Kapanlagi.com - Since ancient times until now, there are many slang terms or words that have developed in society. Sange is one of them. Although it is classified as slang, in reality, sange is still not a popular word for some people. In fact, there are still many people who do not know the true meaning of sange.
In general, the word sange has a negative meaning and connotation. Therefore, the term sange has only been used by certain groups. So, it is understandable that many people still feel unfamiliar with this slang term. So, what is the actual meaning of the word sange?
To answer your curiosity about the meaning of sange, let's directly read the following review that has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Meaning of Sange

(credit: unsplash)
It is not known exactly how the word 'sange' originated and is used until now. As discussed earlier, 'sange' is one of the slang words and is not included in the standard Indonesian language. This is proven by the absence of the meaning of 'sange' in the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language (KBBI). Therefore, the meaning and interpretation of the word 'sange' are based on its daily usage.
In daily usage, the meaning of 'sange' is the same as sexual desire. The word 'sange' is often used to express the condition of someone who is experiencing strong sexual desire. Therefore, the word 'sange' is only used among a limited group and in specific situations, such as when with a partner or close environment as a playful term.
Considering that the meaning of 'sange' is negative, it is advisable to avoid using this word, especially in public spaces. Because, even though it is a slang word, the term 'sange' cannot be used arbitrarily. If used improperly, the use of the word 'sange' can be classified as a form of sexual harassment. In addition, on social media, the word 'sange' is often used as a hashtag to indicate pornographic transactions.
2. How to Overcome 'Sange'

(credit: unsplash)
Although the meaning of 'sange' is negative, it cannot be denied that this condition is still a natural thing that can happen to anyone. However, the arising feeling of 'sange' can be very disturbing. Therefore, it is important to know the ways to overcome this feeling. So that, a person can better maintain and control their sexual desire.
Quoted from liputan6.com, here are some steps that can be taken to overcome the arising feeling of 'sange'.
1) Sit calmly, then take a breath and feel the presence fully and consciously.
2) Shift your attention away from sexual things and try to think more rationally.
3) Think of 'sange' as a chemical reaction that will stop on its own.
4) Be grateful that this feeling is a sign that you are normal if you have such sexual potential.
5) Convince yourself that now is the opportunity to train intelligence in self-control, especially in sexuality.
3. Other Popular Slang Meanings

(credit: unsplash)
It has been discussed in depth that the meaning of 'sange' is negative. Therefore, even though this term is classified as slang, it is best to avoid using it. Instead, if you still want to appear trendy, you can use other slang words that have a more positive meaning as follows.
1) Bucin: Bucin is an abbreviation for the term 'budak cinta' which means 'love slave'. This slang abbreviation is used to refer to a man or woman who is crazy in love, willing to do anything for the person they love.
2) Gaje: is an abbreviation for 'gak jelas' which means 'unclear' or 'not clear'. This word is used when someone doesn't understand or can't grasp the meaning of what someone else is saying.
3) Gercep: is an abbreviation for 'gerakan cepat' which means 'fast movement'. This abbreviation is a suggestion to do something faster than usual.
4) Japri: is a slang abbreviation that we often hear. Japri itself can be interpreted as 'personal channel' or 'private network'.
5) Mager: is a slang abbreviation for the phrase 'malas gerak' which means 'lazy to move'. This word is more often used to express laziness.
6) Mantul: is a slang abbreviation of the word mantap betul. This word is often used as an appreciation, such as a compliment.
7) Anw: is an abbreviation of the English word Anyway, meaning by the way.
8) BTW: is an abbreviation of the English phrase By The Way. The slang term BTW has the same meaning as the term 'by the way'.
4) CMIIW: is a slang abbreviation in English commonly used on social media platforms. The full form of this word is Correct Me If I'm Wrong, which when translated into Indonesian can mean 'correct me if I'm wrong'.
5) FYI: is a slang abbreviation in English which stands for For Your Information. This word is commonly used on social media to provide additional information.
6) Kepo: is an abbreviation of the phrase Knowing Every Particular Object, which means or is directed towards someone who is curious about everything.
8) OTW: is a slang abbreviation of the phrase On The Way, which means currently on the road or in transit.
9) OOTD: is an abbreviation of Outfit of The Day. This word is commonly used in social media captions to describe a full-body photo and explain the outfit combination used today.
10) TGIF: is an abbreviation of Thanks God it's Friday, meaning the excitement towards the weekend.
Those are some explanations of the meaning of 'sange' which apparently has a negative connotation. Hopefully, it is useful, can increase knowledge, and make you wiser in using language!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.