Kapanlagi.com - Meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum is taken from Arabic. Barakallahhu Fiikum is a prayer for someone. The actual meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum is the plural form of the word Barakallahu Fiik. Both have similar meanings which aim to pray for blessings from Allah SWT.
When receiving good news, gratitude or help, the phrase Alhamdulillah is often spoken by Muslims. But it turns out there are also prayers that can be said with the aim of praying for blessings for someone, whether it's good news or because of their help.
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Although Barakallahu Fiikum is now quite familiar, some people still do not understand the actual meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum. Meanwhile, in terms of language, the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum comes from Arabic which means May Allah Bless You. The word Fiikum from the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum is a plural form which is shown not only for yourselves but also for your family.
Well, here is the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum that you need to know. In addition to the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum, there are also ways to use it and how to respond appropriately. Just listen to the review of the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum that has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum

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Have you ever heard the phrase Barakallahu Fiikum from someone? For those who don't know the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum, they will definitely be confused about the actual meaning of the word. The phrase Barakallahu Fiikum is usually used by Muslims to pray for someone's blessings with the permission of Allah SWT.
So what is the actual meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum? The meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum is actually similar to Barakallhu Fiik, Barakallahu Fiika, or Barakallhu Fiiki. Where the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum is May Allah SWT Bless You. Besides that, the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum can also be May You Be Blessed by Allah SWT.
From the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum, it can be concluded that this word is a good prayer. Because the goal is to pray for someone to receive blessings from Allah SWT. The word Fiikum is used when the subject is plural. Yes, as is known in Arabic, there are several subjects used to refer to men, women, many women, or many men. Well, the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum when translated is May Allah SWT Bless You, the word 'you' here is not only meant for yourself but also for your family.
2. Meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum and Other Forms

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As mentioned in the previous review, there are several meanings similar to Barakallahu Fiikum. The meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum is used to pray for blessings for someone, not only for themselves but also for their family. So, if translated, the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum is May Allah SWT bless you all. Meanwhile, there are several other forms of Barakallahu Fiikum that you need to know. So that it can make it easier for you to understand the use of the phrase Barakallahu Fiikum.
1. The meaning of Barakallahu Fiik is used for one person. So the meaning is may Allah bless you.
2. The meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum is used for plural subjects, more than one person. So the meaning is may Allah bless you all.
3. The meaning of Barakallahu Fiika is used for a male subject. So the meaning is may Allah bless you, O man.
4. The meaning of Barakallahu Fiiki is used for a female subject. So the meaning is may Allah bless you, O woman.
3. Meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum and Its Answer

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After knowing the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum along with similar prayers, it is also necessary to know the answer when you receive such a greeting. So that the blessings can return to the one who gave the prayer. Because the answer to the greeting Barakallahu Fiikum based on the similar form is quite different. Where this is adjusted to the subject. Here is the explanation of the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum and its answer.
1. Wa Fiihim Barakallah means Allah blesses them all. The answer to this greeting is used when the subject is plural or more than one person, both male or female.
2. Wa Fiikum Barakallah means Allah blesses all of you. The answer if the subject is plural can consist of more than one person, both male or female.
3. Wa Fiiki Barakallah means Allah blesses you (a single woman). The answer if the subject is a single woman.
4. Wa Fiika Barakallah means Allah blesses you (a single man). The answer if the subject is a single man.
4. Meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum and the Right Time to Use It

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After understanding the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum and its response, this expression needs to be said at the right time. Therefore, here are the right times to use Barakallahu Fiikum. This will help you use the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum appropriately based on the time and situation. Let's directly see the right times to use the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum.
1. Barakallahu Fiikum is used for congratulations on a wedding.
2. Barakallahu Fiikum is used for someone's birthday.
3. Barakallahu Fiikum is used for someone who has just given birth or received sustenance.
4. Barakallahu Fiikum is used for someone's success and achievements.
5. Barakallahu Fiikum is used for congratulations when performing Hajj.
6. Barakallahu Fiikum is used for someone's help and assistance.
7. Barakallahu Fiikum is used when meeting a friend or loved one.
That is the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum and how to use it along with the response to it. Hopefully, the above review can be used as a reference to understand the meaning of Barakallahu Fiikum and its usage.
Source: Liputan6.com, learniseasy.com
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.