Kapanlagi.com - At first glance, the similarity of words or synonyms may seem simple. However, if you want to understand it further, the meaning of synonyms is actually more than just a similarity of words.
In fact, there are types of synonyms that are quite complicated when explained. Nevertheless, in everyday usage, the meaning of synonyms can be understood as a similarity of words that makes the use of language more varied.
By doing so, you can avoid repeating the same words in a conversation. It can potentially enhance understanding and prevent boredom in conversations. Well, to better understand the meaning of synonyms and their usage, please read the following information.
1. Synonym Meaning

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
The meaning of synonym is a word similarity. According to the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language (KBBI), synonym is a form of language that has a similar or same meaning as another form of language.
From the origin of the word or etymologically, synonym comes from the Ancient Greek language "syn" which means "with" and "onoma" which means name. From this explanation, it can be concluded that synonym can be interpreted as two or more words that have the same meaning.
In addition, there is an opinion from Kridalaksana in the book "Linguistic Dictionary" stating that if a word can be substituted (replaced) with another word in the same context and the meaning of the context does not change, both words can be said to be synonymous.
Another opinion from Soedjito in the book "Synonym" states that synonym is the equality of meaning, two or more words that have the same meaning.
2. Types of Synonyms

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There are several types of synonyms that you need to know. Besides understanding the meaning of synonyms, you also need to understand their various types in order to be more sensitive in recognizing words. To make it clearer, let's directly see the following explanation.
1. Absolute Synonyms
Absolute synonyms are words that have semantic similarity to each other. A pair of words can be said to be absolute synonyms if they have exactly the same meaning in all contexts.
- Newspaper and journal
- Woman and female
- Person and human
2. Harmonious Synonyms
Harmonious synonyms or synonymous harmony are several words that have the same component of meaning, but one of them has a slightly broader component of meaning (related to the broadness and narrowness of meaning). Sometimes there is one word as the superordinate and two or more words as hyponyms in one group that are synonymous in one group of elements.
- Weapon and pistol
The word weapon has a broader reference than the word pistol. The meaning of weapons is broader and includes the meaning of pistols or knives or weapons not only consisting of the two mentioned types. On the contrary, pistols are definitely included as a type of weapon and so are knives.
3. Cognitive Synonyms
Cognitive synonyms are pairs of words that have the same syntactic function, such as nouns or verbs. The similarity of meaning can occur in one sentence context, but may not be the same in other contexts.
- Meninggal (died) and mati (dead)
In the sentences "My grandmother died yesterday" and "My grandmother is dead yesterday", there are cognitive synonyms. The words "died" and "dead" actually have the same meaning, but there are differences in their conditions. The word "died" is more polite than the word "dead".
3. Function of Synonyms

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
After understanding the meaning of synonyms, you also need to understand the function of synonyms. The functions of choosing or using words that have synonyms correctly include:
- Adding variation to sentences.
- Enlivening the language used by someone.
- Making the language more concrete and not boring.
Unfortunately, not all words in the Indonesian language have synonyms. For example, the words 'beras' (rice), 'baru' (new), and 'salju' (snow) do not have other terms in the Indonesian language. There are also words that only have synonyms in their base form.
For example, the words 'benar' (correct) and 'betul' (true) will no longer have synonyms once they become the words 'kebenaran' (truth) and 'kebetulan' (coincidence). In addition, there are base words that do not have synonyms but can have synonyms after undergoing formation. For example, the word 'jemur' (dry) does not have a synonym, but 'menjemur' (to dry) has the synonym 'mengeringkan' (to dry).
By understanding the functions of synonyms above, you can determine the appropriate choice of words or diction in language usage.
4. Example of Synonyms

Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
Several examples of synonymous words below will enhance your understanding of the meaning of synonyms and their functions. Sometimes, there are indeed other words that are more pleasant to use than the frequently used terms. You can compare them in the following list of synonyms.
1. Agunan (collateral) = Jaminan (guarantee)
2. Ahli (expert) = Pakar (expert)
3. Akselerasi (acceleration) = Percepatan (acceleration)
4. Akurat (accurate) = Seksama (precise)
5. Bicu = Jack
6.Biology = Living
7.Bisa = Can
8.Centeng = Bodyguard
9.Citra = Image
10.Copyright = Copyright
11.Deduksi = Conclusion
12. Verifikasi = Verification
69.Wahana = Facility
KLovres, that is an explanation of the meaning of synonyms along with examples that you can learn.
Defleksi = Deviation
13.Dehidrasi = Dehydration
14.Ebi = Dried shrimp
15.Ebonit = Ebony wood
16.Ekonomis = Economical
17.Eksibisi = Exhibition
18.Fertile = Fertile
19. File = Archive
20.Fitnah = Fabrication
21.Gemar = Fond of
22.Generik = Generic
23.Genjah = Quick to bear fruit
24.Genre = Genre
25.Geothermal = Geothermal
26. Hayati = Living
27.Hedonisme = Hedonism
28.Hegemoni = Hegemony
29.Hepotenusa = Hypotenuse
30.Insting = Instinct
31.Instruktur = Instructor
32.Instrumental = Instrumental
33. Interaksi = Interaction
34.Warta = News
35.Jargon = Slogan
36.Jeda = Interval
37.Kaldera = Caldera
38.Kampiun = Champion
39.Kapital = Capital
40. Kapling = Divided land
41.Landskap = Landscaping
42.Latif = Beautiful
43.Legal = Legal
44.Manunggal = United
45.Mayapada = World
46.Mediator = Mediator
47. Mekar = Blossoming
48.Nir = Not
49.Nisbi = Relative
50.Niscaya = Definitely
51.Orisinil = Original
52.Ortodok = Conservative
53.Otodidak = Self-taught
54. Promotor = Promoter
55.Proteksi = Protection
56.Ralat = Correction
57.Rambang = Random
58.Rancu = Confused
59.Random = Randomly
60.Sahih = True
61. Sandang = Clothing
62.Sanksi = Punishment
63.Tandang = Visit
64.Tanggal = Release
65.Tangkal = Prevent
66.Vandalisme = Destruction
67.Ventilasi = Window
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.