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Meaning of Temperature: Complete Definition Along with Scales and Types of Thermometers

Meaning of Temperature: Complete Definition Along with Scales and Types of Thermometers Illustration (credit: Pixabay) - In this life, we can feel cold and hot. All of these things are also called temperature. The meaning of temperature itself is to indicate the degree of an object to the condition there. Cold objects are known to have lower temperatures than hot objects. Conversely, hot objects have higher temperatures than colder objects.

However, besides knowing the meaning of temperature, you also need to know the types of scales on temperature and the types of thermometers. Yes, a thermometer is a tool for measuring temperature. Because, higher or lower temperatures can be very dangerous for the body. That's why a thermometer is important.

Now, for KLovers who want to know the meaning of temperature clearly. Then here is the meaning of temperature, along with the types of scales on temperature and the types of thermometers. Let's check it out, KLovers.

1. Temperature Definition

Yes, as explained earlier, the meaning of temperature itself is to indicate the degree of an object's condition. According to Wikipedia, microscopically, temperature indicates the energy possessed by an object. Each atom in an object moves, either in the form of displacement or vibration.

The higher the energy of the atoms that make up an object, the higher the temperature of the object. From a non-mathematical perspective, we can understand that temperature is the sensation of cold or warmth felt when touching an object. However, numerically, we can determine temperature using a thermometer.

2. Types of Temperature Scales

In addition to knowing the meaning of temperature, you also need to know the types of scales in temperature. Yes, in a temperature, there are different scales that differentiate the temperature. It's not just Celsius that is used to measure temperature, there are other scales that you can know. And here are the types of scales in temperature:

1. Celsius

The most commonly heard scale for measuring temperature is Celsius. This temperature unit was discovered in 1742 by a Swedish scientist named Anders Celsius. He set the lower fixed point (freezing point) at 0° Celsius and the upper fixed point (boiling point) at 100° Celsius. The unit of Celsius temperature is usually represented by the letter "C".

2. Fahrenheit

The next temperature measurement scale is Fahrenheit. The unit of Fahrenheit temperature was discovered in 1706 by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, a scientist from Germany. He established the lower fixed point (freezing point) at 32 degrees Fahrenheit and the upper fixed point (boiling point) at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. The unit of Fahrenheit temperature is represented by the letter "F".

3. Kelvin

Then there is Kelvin, which is one of the temperature scales. An English physicist named Lord William Kelvin revealed another temperature measurement scale, which is Kelvin. He stated that the lowest temperature is 0 Kelvin. Then he also established the lower fixed point (freezing point) as 273 Kelvin and the upper fixed point (boiling point) as 373 Kelvin. The unit of Kelvin temperature is represented by the letter "K".

4. Reamur

And the last temperature scale is Reamur. In 1731, a French scientist named Rene Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur proposed the Reamur temperature measurement scale. He established the lower fixed point (freezing point) at 0 degrees Reamur and the upper fixed point (boiling point) at 80 degrees Reamur. The unit of Reamur temperature is represented by the letter "R".

3. Types of Thermometers

After knowing the meaning of temperature and types of temperature scales, you can determine the type of thermometer. Yes, a thermometer is a measuring tool for temperature. There are many measuring tools that you can use to measure various types of temperature. And here are some types of thermometers that you should know:

1. Clinical Thermometer

This thermometer is probably the most commonly encountered type of thermometer. Usually, this tool is used to measure body temperature with a scale of 35°C to 42°C to assist in diagnosing diseases.

2. Laboratory Thermometer

In addition, the next type of thermometer is a laboratory thermometer. This type of thermometer uses mercury or alcohol as a temperature indicator. Laboratory thermometers are used to measure the temperature of water, both hot and cold. In addition, the thermometer wall is usually made as thin as possible.

3. Room Thermometer

It is a tool used to measure the temperature of the air in a room and is usually placed on the wall. Its working principle is not much different from other thermometers, as it also uses mercury. The difference lies only in the scale of this thermometer, which ranges from -50°C to 50°C. This type of thermometer is commonly found in offices, industries, and also private homes. To make this thermometer more sensitive to temperature changes, a small-sized pipe is used.

4. Bimetal Thermometer

This type of thermometer uses a solid substance as its temperature gauge, which is a metal material. The working principle of this type of thermometer is that the metal expands when heated and contracts when cooled. This measuring tool has two metals that can expand differently and are surrounded by one another.

5. Thermocouple Thermometer

Thermocouple uses different types of conductive metals as its temperature sensor, which will be used as a detector and temperature gauge. The two conductive metals are joined at the end to produce a Thermoelectric effect. This type of thermometer is usually used to measure the temperature of electronic or electrical equipment.

6. Six Bellani Thermometer

And finally, there is the six bellani thermometer. Yes, this type of thermometer is quite unique for its temperature sensor. It uses two liquids at the same time. The two liquids are mercury and alcohol, which are used together in one thermometer. This allows the six bellani thermometer to indicate the highest and lowest temperature within a certain period of time. That's why this thermometer is also called a maximum-minimum thermometer.

That's the meaning of temperature that you can clearly understand. Not only the meaning of temperature, you can also find out the types of scales on temperature and types of thermometers.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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