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Meaning of Who in English Dictionary and Its Usage, Understand the Difference with Whom, Whose

Meaning of Who in English Dictionary and Its Usage, Understand the Difference with Whom, Whose Illustration (credit: - The use of interrogative words in English that cannot be missed is who. But do you already know the meaning of who in the English dictionary along with its usage in the 5W + 1H formula?

Understanding the meaning of English, especially in words that are often used in daily conversations, is certainly very important. Like the interrogative word who that is easily found in question sentences. In addition, the meaning of who is also included in the 5W + 1H formula. This formula is generally used to gather information from someone who is also called a source.

Therefore, the 5W + 1H formula is also used as the basis for news writing. If you want to know more about the meaning of who in the English dictionary along with its usage, here is the complete review. Moreover, it is also equipped with the differences in meaning between who, whom, and whose that are often confused. Let's check out the review of the meaning of who that has been summarized by from various sources.

1. Meaning of Who in Indonesian-English Translation Dictionary

The word 'who' is often used in daily conversations. In addition, the meaning of 'who' is also frequently used in interrogative sentences. That's why it is important to know the meaning of 'who' in the English dictionary to understand its significance. For some people, they may already be familiar with the meaning of 'who'. Nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to remember what the meaning of 'who' is in the Indonesian-English translation dictionary.

According to the English dictionary, the meaning of 'who' is 'siapa' (who). The meaning of 'who' in the dictionary can also mean 'anyone' and 'that'. In addition, the meaning of 'who' can also be used as a pronoun for objects. For example, asking about someone's name, identity, or a subject that is a person. That's the meaning of 'who' in the Indonesian-English translation dictionary that you need to know.

2. Meaning of Who in Interrogative Sentences

As mentioned in the previous review, the meaning of 'who' is who, anyone, which, or whoever. Well, the word 'who' is generally used in interrogative sentences. If in Indonesian, we are familiar with several types of question words such as who, why, what, how, and where. In English, these question words are known as what, why, who, when, where, and how.

Yes, the meaning of 'who' in interrogative sentences aims to ask who, referring to the subject of a person. The meaning of 'who' in interrogative sentences that refer to the subject of a person can be used in various situations. For example, to know the identity of someone's name. There is also the word 'who' used to know who does or is involved in an event or incident.

That is why the use of question words with the 5W + 1H formula is commonly used in news writing. From this explanation, you must have started to understand the meaning of 'who' in interrogative sentences.

3. Meaning of Who and Its Use in the 5W + 1H Formula

However, to understand the meaning of 'who' cannot be separated from the formula 5W + 1H. Yes, as known the formula 5W + 1H is used to gather information from sources. That is why, this formula is the basis of writing a news. But what about the use of the formula 5W + 1H which also includes the word 'who'?

After understanding the meaning of 'who' in the dictionary and question sentences, then you also need to know its usage in the formula 5W + 1H. Well, here is the meaning of 'who' and its usage in the formula 5W + 1H.

1. WHAT: The meaning of 'what' when translated into Indonesian is 'apa'. Meanwhile, in question words, 'what' is used to ask about an object, thing, person's name, or event. 'What' is also used to ask about what is happening. For example, 'What happened five years ago at Bali, Indonesia?' (Apa yang terjadi 5 tahun lalu di Bali, Indonesia?)

2. WHO: The meaning of 'who' when translated into Indonesian is 'siapa'. This word is used to ask who or who is involved in an event or incident. For example, 'Who is that girl?' (Siapakah gadis itu?)

3. WHERE: The meaning of 'where' is 'di mana'. This question word is used to ask about a place or location. In addition, the meaning of 'where' can also be used to ask about the existence of a place. For example, Where is the Nam Island? (Di mana pulau Nam)

4.WHEN: The meaning of 'when' when translated is 'kapan'. This interrogative word is used to ask when something happened or will happen, whether in the past or in the future. For example, When were you born? (Kapan kamu lahir?)

5.WHY: The meaning of 'why' is 'mengapa'. This interrogative word is used to ask for the cause and reason of an event or something. For example, Why do you cry? (Mengapa kamu menangis?)

6.HOW: The meaning of 'how' is 'bagaimana'. This interrogative word is used to ask about the sequence of events or occurrences. For example, How was the graduation? (Bagaimana kelulusannya?)

For example, Why do your cry? (Mengapa kamu menangis?)

6.HOW: The meaning of how is bagaimana. This interrogative word is used to ask about the sequence of events or incidents. For example, How was the graduation? (Bagaimana kelulusannya?)

4. Difference Between Who, Whom, Whose

After knowing the meaning of who and its use in the 5W + 1H formula, sometimes confusion arises with the words whom and whose. All three seem to have similar meanings but actually have slight differences. Now, the differences between who, whom, and whose are as follows.

1. The word who is used to ask about the subject of a topic or sentence that will perform an action. Usually, who is a pronoun for subjects such as he, she, it, they, we, I, you.

2. The word whom is used to ask about the object in a topic or sentence that will receive the action. It is usually used for objects that are not the doer. In addition, whom is used as a pronoun or to describe an object with answers like him, her, it, me, us, you, them. For example, Whom did you meet yesterday?

3. The word whose is used to ask about someone or someone's possession. For example, Whose phone is this? This question word is commonly used before a noun.

Those are some explanations about the meaning of who along with its usage and the differences between whom and whose. By understanding the true meaning of who, it can make it easier for you to understand the actual meaning.

Source: and other sources


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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