Kapanlagi.com - Papaya leaves, a familiar vegetable in the homeland, always manage to capture attention in various dishes, from fresh salads to mouth-watering stir-fries. Besides its tempting flavor, papaya leaves also hold a plethora of benefits, such as vitamin E, which plays a crucial role as a natural antioxidant.
However, the bitter taste that often accompanies papaya leaves often makes many people hesitant to enjoy them. Don't worry! With a little creativity and clever tricks from Aldisya's channel on YouTube, you can transform bitter papaya leaves into a delicious dish. Without the hassle of using clay, just with simple ingredients available in your kitchen, you can enjoy the delicacy of papaya leaves without the disturbing bitter taste. Come on, try this easy method and taste the deliciousness for yourself!
1. Prepare Papaya Leaves and Other Ingredients
First, prepare fresh papaya leaves that will be the star of your dish. Carefully separate the leaves from the stem, then wash them thoroughly under running water to remove any dust and dirt that may be attached. After that, drain the cleaned papaya leaves so they are ready for further processing.

Not only papaya leaves, but you will also need several other important ingredients, such as cooking oil, salt, and Garcinia fruit to reduce the bitterness. Cooking oil plays a vital role in maintaining the bright green color of the papaya leaves while also helping to make the texture softer when boiled. With the right combination of ingredients, this dish will tantalize your taste buds and stimulate your appetite!
2. Boil Water and Add Bitter-Reducing Ingredients
After the papaya leaves are ready to be processed, the next step is to boil water until it reaches a rolling boil. When the water is boiling, add one tablespoon of salt, a little cooking oil, and three pieces of asam gelugur into it. "The cooking oil helps the papaya leaves to soften quickly while maintaining their green color. Meanwhile, the salt and asam gelugur play an important role in eliminating the bitter taste," said Aldisya in a video on her YouTube channel quoted on Wednesday (30/10).

With this combination of ingredients, you can eliminate the bitter taste of papaya leaves without the hassle of searching for clay, which is now increasingly difficult to find and quite expensive. This method is not only practical but also makes your papaya leaf dish more delicious and appetizing. Experience the delightful sensation of papaya leaves without the disturbing bitterness!
3. Boil Papaya Leaves Until Tender
The next step is to boil the papaya leaves in water mixed with ingredients to remove the bitterness. Add the cleaned papaya leaves into the boiling water. Press down with a spatula to ensure all parts of the leaves are fully submerged in the water.

Let the papaya leaves boil until their texture becomes tender. This process not only removes the bitter taste but also keeps the papaya leaves green, making them visually appealing when served.
4. Rinse Papaya Leaves to Stop the Cooking Process
When the papaya leaves have reached perfect tenderness, turn off the stove and drain the leaves from the boiling water. To stop the cooking process, rinse the papaya leaves under running water. This technique not only maintains their crisp texture but also preserves the bright green color that is appetizing, so the papaya leaves won’t wilt easily.

After the rinsing process, drain the papaya leaves again until the water is reduced. Now, the papaya leaves are ready to be served or cooked further with spices of your choice that suit your taste. Prepare a delicious dish with a creative touch, and enjoy the freshness of the papaya leaves!
5. Serve or Cook Papaya Leaves to Taste
Boiled papaya leaves that are free from bitterness can be enjoyed directly as a salad or cooked again with additional seasoning to taste. Many people love papaya leaves as an addition to stir-fries or soupy dishes, which makes them even more appetizing.
This trick video has caught the attention of netizens and has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times. Some YouTube users have also given positive feedback. "Awesome," wrote YouTube user @auroraangelaura. Another user, @effikatibin625, suggested an alternative by saying, "Just boil with young guava leaves. Guaranteed not bitter." Similarly, @sudarmidarmi8601 commented, "Turns out it’s practical compared to using clay."
6. Frequently Asked Questions about the Trick to Remove Bitterness from Papaya Leaves
Why do papaya leaves taste bitter?The bitterness of papaya leaves comes from the latex found in the leaves. This latex can be removed through certain boiling techniques.
7. Can clay still be used to remove the bitterness of papaya leaves?
Yes, clay has traditionally been used, but it is now hard to find and quite expensive, so many are looking for alternatives.
8. How to remove the bitterness of papaya leaves without clay?
A practical way is to add cooking oil, salt, and garcinia acid when boiling the papaya leaves, as shared by the YouTube Aldisya channel.
9. Can garcinia acid be replaced with other ingredients?
Yes, tamarind is also often used as a substitute to reduce the bitterness of papaya leaves when boiled.
10. What are the health benefits of papaya leaves?
Papaya leaves are rich in nutrients such as vitamin E and antioxidants that are good for combating free radicals and maintaining skin health.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.