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Regular Consumption, Here are 7 Benefits of Fish and Their Nutritional Content

Regular Consumption, Here are 7 Benefits of Fish and Their Nutritional Content Fish benefits (credit: Freepik) - Fish is one of the best sources of animal protein for body health. Therefore, fish is one of the four healthy and five perfect foods that must be consumed. But what if we consume fish every day? What are the benefits of fish for our body?

Fish itself has many types and benefits. Even the content of fish in seawater and freshwater is different, and they have different benefits as well. But not everyone likes or can consume fish. Some people dislike fish because it has a fishy smell, but there are also people who cannot consume fish due to allergies.

It's not only adults who need to consume fish, but also pregnant women, the elderly, and even children need to consume fish for nutrition and growth. But what if we consume fish every day? What are the benefits of fish? As reported from various sources, let's check it out KLovers.


1. Fish Content

Before knowing what are the benefits of fish, if you consume it every day. You also need to know the basic content of fish. Because fish has different contents, but most fish have these contents. Of course, these contents are very good for your body's health. And here are some contents found in fish:

- Calories
- Good Fat
- Sodium
- Carbohydrates
- Fiber
- Sugar
- Protein

These contents are not all, KLovers, because each fish is different. And these contents are mostly possessed by fish. And all of these contents have their respective functions for your body's health.


2. Maintaining Heart Health

The first benefit of fish is that it can maintain heart health. Yup! The heart is indeed one of the important organs of the body that needs to be kept healthy. Because a healthy heart will be far from various dangerous diseases that can harm the body at any time. And one of the healthy foods that can provide good nutrition to the heart is fish.

Replacing fish with other proteins such as red meat, chicken, and lamb can be a smart choice for the body. These foods contain Omega 3 which can function well for health. However, recent studies have shown that the combination of Omega 3 fatty acids and other nutrients in fish can prevent heart attacks.

Therefore, you can provide other nutrients such as vitamin D and B2 (riboflavin). Also add calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium in every fish dish. So that you can still maintain your body's health as well as your heart's health.


3. Overcoming Depression

The next benefit of fish is that it can overcome depression. Stress or depression can be experienced by anyone, and in different conditions. In addition to living a healthy lifestyle to eliminate depression in the body, you can also consume fish. Because if depression is not properly addressed, it can be dangerous for the body's health.

In a study, it was revealed that people who consume fish regularly have a lower chance of experiencing depression. This is because the omega-3 fatty acids in fish can enhance the effectiveness of antidepressant drugs. So when consuming fish, we will feel happiness.


4. Meeting Vitamin D Intake

Not only morning sunlight exposure is good for bones, it turns out that fish is also a good source of vitamin D, KLovers. Vitamin D plays an important role in allowing the body to absorb many other nutrients.

Without vitamin D, we may experience deficiencies even with adequate intake. Think of your daily fish portion as a booster for everything you will eat throughout the day. And this will be good for your body's health.


5. Reducing the Risk of Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune disorders occur when the immune system loses control and attacks and destroys healthy body tissues. One of the most common examples is type 1 diabetes, where the immune system attacks the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas.

That's why those who suffer from autoimmune disorders are advised to consume fish. Some studies show that consuming fish that contain omega 3 can reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases or type 1 diabetes in children and adults. Autoimmune diseases usually occur when our immune system is weak.


6. Getting Good Fats

In fact, fish contains the healthiest type of fats. This is because the fats in fish are in the form of omega 3 fatty acids, or good fats. Omega 3 contributes to optimal brain function as a start, but also plays an important role in heart health.

Regular consumption of omega 3 fatty acids can certainly help reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke, and slow down the growth of plaque in the arteries. It can also lower triglycerides (bad fats) and reduce blood pressure in your body.


7. Nourishing the Brain

The next benefit of fish is that it can nourish the brain. It is not a strange thing anymore that by consuming fish, our brain will be well-nourished. Yup! This is once again because of the high content of omega 3 in fish. So, this content is able to provide nutrition and also protect the brain well.

The omega 3 content in fish is also able to help build cell membranes and repair the brain cell structure called neurons. Then, the high omega 3 levels in fish oil have been proven to increase blood flow to the brain, so brain function will work very well.


8. Important Nutrition During Growth

And the last benefit of fish is that it is an important nutrition during growth. Fish indeed becomes one of the healthy foods that must be consumed by children during their growth period. Such as brain growth to their bones. This is once again because of the omega 3 content found in fish.

The omega 3 content in fish can actually improve the coordination of organ systems in newborn babies. In addition, the benefits of fish are also believed to improve children's intelligence and prevent brain development disorders, such as hyperactivity.

Those are the 7 benefits of fish when consumed directly. However, KLovers, it is advisable for you to consult with a doctor first if you want to consume fish regularly. Especially for children, pregnant women, and the elderly.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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