Kapanlagi.com - Entering the school holiday moment, children have surely prepared various fun things they want to do to spend their time. Yup, vacation moments are often used to develop hobbies and abilities that the little one has. But with the many activities carried out, mothers also have to maintain their condition to stay healthy, intelligent, and grow and develop to the fullest.
Monitoring the condition of the little one can be done in several ways. Starting from inviting them to do healthy activities to maintaining their nutritional intake. Well, so that mothers can provide maximum support in the growth and development stage of their beloved child, here are some easy tips that can be applied during the school holiday moments. Let's see what they are!
1. Invite the Little One to Exercise

Exercising can be a great way to maintain a child's condition during the holidays. According to the National Institutes of Health, exercise not only makes the body healthier and more active, but it can also significantly improve cognitive function and intelligence in children. Therefore, mothers don't need to hesitate to invite their children to exercise during their holiday moments.
2. Ensure Consumed Food is Nutritious

Mothers must also ensure that the food consumed by their children contains various necessary nutrients. In addition to being good for their growth and development, it turns out that food intake with high and balanced nutrition will also strengthen the child's immune system, so they won't get sick easily and stay in prime condition. For the baby's food, mothers can serve vegetables, protein, carbohydrates, and other foods with multivitamins in them.
3. Support Child's Growth and Development with vidoran Xmart

In addition to food, don't forget to supplement your child's nutrition with vidoran Xmart. Vidoran Xmart milk, which is 100% Indonesian, has been born and developed in Indonesia since 1977. It is a healthier choice with lower sugar content, better taste, high DHA content, and equipped with imunUp formula to support the child's strong immune system and optimal intelligence. Even 9 out of 10 mothers intentionally choose vidoran Xmart milk because of its complete and good composition for the golden age of their little ones.
Vidoran Xmart milk has several variants divided based on the age stage of the child, because the nutritional needs at each age stage of the child are different. Vidoran Xmart 1+ is growth milk specifically formulated for children aged 1-3 years, vidoran Xmart 3+ is specifically formulated for children aged 3-5 years, and vidoran Xmart 5+ is specifically formulated for children aged 5 years and above. Make sure mothers have the right growth milk according to the age of their little ones.
Vidoran Xmart milk can be a healthier choice for the little ones because it has lower sugar content and is enriched with the imunUp formula which contains Cod Liver Oil, High vitamin C, D3, E, Zinc, High DHA, Protein, Calcium, Inulin, other vitamins and minerals, and a delicious taste to support the growth and immune system of the little ones. Because of its complete nutritional content, 9 out of 10 Indonesian mothers choose vidoran Xmart to support their little ones to become strong and smart.
Come on, fulfill the nutritional needs of your little ones with vidoran Xmart growth milk so that they can continue to explore their potential, grow and develop well, and be ready to return to school with health, intelligence, and full of enthusiasm. Don't forget to get vidoran Xmart milk at your trusted stores, supermarkets, Tempo Scan Home Delivery app, and e-commerce platforms. For more detailed information about vidoran, click here.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.