Kapanlagi.com - The meaning of limit in general is to restrict or set boundaries for a particular thing related to transactions or production. That is why the meaning of limit can be used in various fields and contexts.
One example of the use of the word limit is the credit card limit. For those of you who use credit cards, you are certainly familiar with this term. However, there are also several other popular terms that use the word limit to explain a particular condition related to buying and selling transactions or business.
There is also the meaning of speed limit which means a certain speed limit. That is why in this article, we will discuss the general meaning of limit and its use in various fields. The explanation of the general meaning of limit can be found in the following review.
This is a complete review of the general meaning of limit and its use in various fields, both in the business world and in transactions.
1. The General Meaning of Limit

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Have you ever heard the word limit? The word limit can be used in various contexts related to finance or buying and selling. Before discussing the meaning of limit one by one, understand the meaning of the word limit from the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI). That is why in this point, the meaning of limit in general will be discussed.
The meaning of limit comes from the English language which means to limit, tighten, or narrow. Meanwhile, if referring to KBBI, the meaning of limit is a boundary or limit. So basically the meaning of limit explains something that is limited by certain provisions. That is the explanation of the meaning of limit in general if referring to the dictionary.
2. Credit Card Limit Meaning

(credit: unsplash.com)
After knowing the meaning of limit in general, the word limit is also often used in several things. One of them is the meaning of limit when used in transaction fields such as credit card usage. Moreover, in this era, most transactions use credit cards. For that reason, it is necessary to know some transaction terms when using a credit card.
Meanwhile, the meaning of credit card limit is the maximum limit of transaction nominal per month that can be used by customers. The credit card limit given by each bank also varies depending on their respective rules.
Meanwhile, there are several things that can determine the limit of a credit card. Among them are income, amount of balance, number of credit cards owned, home ownership, place of residence or other provisions. That is the meaning of credit card limit that needs to be known.
One example of a credit card limit is from one of BCA banks. Some credit card limits set by BCA banks, for example:
1. There are withdrawal limits for several types of BCA credit card products, of course, different.
2. There is a credit card limit or transaction limit on one credit card. For example, there is a BCA credit card with a limit ranging from IDR 5 million to IDR 450 million per month. Each type and product of the BCA credit card also has its own limit.
Meanwhile, there are several factors that determine the BCA credit card limit, such as income, home ownership status, place of residence, number of credit card ownership, total credit selected by customers.
3. Limit Order Meaning

(credit: unsplash.com)
In addition to the meaning of credit card limit, there are also other terms that use the word limit. One of them is the meaning of limit order which has its own meaning. Meanwhile, the meaning of limit order is often used in a transaction. So what is the meaning of limit order?
The meaning of limit order is an order to sell or buy with a better price or a certain nominal or price according to the customer's agreement. In other words, when an asset has reached a limit order, either the highest or lowest price, it is used to buy or sell it to open a new position or liquidate a previous position.
That is why the term stop order appears, which means when the price is above or below the predetermined price limit. So when it reaches the stop price, the stop order will turn into a market order. In other words, after a transaction has entered the market order, it can be said that it no longer uses a limit order. That is the meaning of limit order that you need to know in a buying and selling transaction.
4. Meaning of Limited Edition

(credit: unsplash.com)
In addition to some general meanings of limit, limit order, or credit card limit, there is also the term limited edition. So what is the meaning of limited edition? As explained earlier, the meaning of limited edition is related to the business world. However, the term limited edition is related to a certain product or item.
Meanwhile, the meaning of limited edition comes from English. Where the meaning of limited edition is a limited edition. That means a product or item is produced in a limited number. So, using the term limited edition as a form of marketing strategy. Because with this term, the product produced is not mainstream.
That is an explanation of the meaning of limit and its use in various other fields. So it can make it easier for you to understand the meaning of limit in general or other popular terms such as limit order, credit card limit, or limited edition.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.