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4 Ways to Get Telkomsel Emergency Credit, Requirements, and How to Return It

4 Ways to Get Telkomsel Emergency Credit, Requirements, and How to Return It Illustration (Credit: Unsplash) - Telkomsel provides a service that will greatly help users when they run out of credit in an emergency situation. Unfortunately, there are still people who do not know how to get Telkomsel emergency credit.

However, by knowing how to get Telkomsel emergency credit, you can get some ease. Of course, you need to fulfill the requirements and conditions.

So, to understand more and get the ease when needed, just check out the following four ways to get Telkomsel emergency credit, requirements, and how to return it.


1. Requirements for Borrowing Telkomsel Emergency Credit

Telkomsel does provide emergency credit for its users. However, it cannot be used immediately. There are several requirements that need to be fulfilled. So, if you also want to practice how to take Telkomsel emergency credit, first know the following requirements.

- Telkomsel customer status is Prepaid.

- Do not have any outstanding Emergency Package.

- Telkomsel card has been active for more than 60 days/2 months.

- Meet the criteria for frequency and amount of top-up as well as monthly average usage.

- Active period is only visible during Telkomsel emergency credit registration.

- Payment is only made using Telkomsel credit.

- If you have met the requirements and conditions, you can follow the steps below.


2. How to Take Telkomsel Emergency Credit via SMS

You can apply for Telkomsel emergency credit via SMS by following the steps below.

- Open the SMS menu.

- When your number meets Telkomsel's criteria, you will receive an offer for Telkomsel Emergency Package via SMS from 5111 or 5050.

- Reply to the SMS with the format given through the SMS (Reply by typing YES if you agree or contact *505#).

- Wait for the notification SMS from 5111 or 5050 stating that your Telkomsel Emergency Package has been activated and can be used according to the stated validity period.


3. How to Take Telkomsel Emergency Credit via Dial Up

If you want to know how to take Telkomsel emergency credit via dial up, please follow the explanation below.

- Open the phone menu.

- Type (star)505(hashtag), as an example like this *505#.

- If the customer's credit is not enough and still trying to make a phone call, the offer for Telkomsel Emergency Package will still appear if your number meets the criteria and terms from Telkomsel.

- Meanwhile, customers who have not met the criteria will not receive a purchase notification.

- Select and press 1 to activate Telkomsel Emergency Package.

- Wait for the notification SMS from 5111 or 5050 stating that your Telkomsel Emergency Package has been activated and can be used according to the stated validity period.


4. How to Take Telkomsel Emergency Credit via Facebook

Not only that, Telkomsel emergency credit can also be obtained through Facebook, KLovers! To do so, you need to understand the terms and steps below.

- Make sure that your number is a Telkomsel Prepaid number and connected to the Telkomsel network.

- Make sure the customer's remaining quota has run out and the remaining credit is less than IDR 10,000.

- Open the Facebook application on your phone.

- Activate Free Mode, click Open Free in the top right corner of your phone.

- After entering Free Mode, photos and links will not be displayed.

- Click View Photo or Use Data to View Photo.

- The emergency package offer will appear if the customer's number meets the criteria for receiving Telkomsel Emergency Package.

- Select and activate Telkomsel Emergency Package.

- Wait for the notification SMS from 5111 or 5050 stating that your Telkomsel Emergency Package has been activated and can be used according to the stated validity period.


5. How to Get Telkomsel Emergency Credit via MyTelkomsel

Telkomsel emergency credit can also be obtained through the MyTelkomsel application. If you want to know the steps, let's take a look at the explanation below.

- Open the MyTelkomsel application.

- Select the Shopping menu, then click the Special For You menu.

- The Telkomsel Emergency Package offer will appear if your number meets the terms and conditions of Telkomsel.

- Select and activate Telkomsel Emergency Package.

- Wait for the notification SMS from 5111 or 5050 stating that your Telkomsel Emergency Package has been activated and can be used according to the stated validity period.


6. How to Pay Telkomsel Emergency Credit

After knowing some ways to get Telkomsel emergency credit as above, now you need to think about payment or refund. Because the emergency credit you take is actually a loan.

The way to pay Telkomsel emergency credit will happen automatically when you make a top-up. Telkomsel will immediately deduct the customer's credit, equivalent to the Telkomsel emergency package purchased.

You need to know that the Telkomsel emergency credit scheme is a loan without any additional fees or interest. Well, when you want to find out whether the credit has been deducted or not, please check from the Dial Up feature as follows.

- Go to the phone menu.

- Type *505#

- Then select the Check Bill menu.

- Then select the Pay menu to complete the payment.

Well, KLovers, those are some ways to get Telkomsel emergency credit that you can follow.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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