Kapanlagi.com - The meaning of freak in English dictionary has several meanings. Moreover, now the word freak is also trending on social media. However, the word freak is transformed into prik. Nevertheless, the meaning of freak and prik is the same.
Hearing the word freak or prik is not something new anymore. Because the word freak is quite viral on social media and becomes a hot topic among netizens. However, some people might still not understand the actual meaning of freak.
Because the viral word prik on social media comes from the word freak. Yes, the meaning of freak and prik are similar or the same. But for those of you who don't know the meaning of freak, the following review can answer your curiosity.
The meaning of freak in English dictionary and its slang in slang language can be seen as follows. Here are the meanings of freak in English dictionary and other explanations that have been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. The Meaning of Freak in Indonesian English Translation Dictionary

(credit: unsplash.com)
Knowing the meaning of English words can be found in the dictionary. One of the popular words that is now viral on social media is freak or popularly known as prik. Many social media users often use the word prik in their posts, comments, or content. But do you know the meaning of freak?
If we refer to the Indonesian translation of the English dictionary, the word freak has several meanings. The meaning of freak in the Indonesian translation of the English dictionary can indicate an adjective, noun, or verb. The meaning of freak in the Indonesian translation of the English dictionary is abnormal or odd. There is also a meaning of freak that means strange, crazy person, miracle, or behaving.
The use of the word freak can be applied in various ways. Where the word freak can be used to refer to an adjective, noun, or verb. That is the meaning of freak in the Indonesian translation of the English dictionary that you need to know. So it is easier to understand what the actual meaning of freak is, especially in the dictionary.
2. Meaning of Freak or Prik in Slang Language

(credit: pexels.com)
As mentioned in the previous review, the meaning of freak in English-Indonesian translation dictionary can have several meanings. Meanwhile, the word freak has gone viral on social media. The meaning of freak or prik in slang language is indeed similar. Therefore, there is no significant difference in the meaning of freak and prik in slang language.
However, the difference lies in the spelling, which has undergone slight changes. Yes, if found on social media, the word freak is written as prik. The meaning of prik itself is similar to the meaning of freak. However, the spelling of prik is a parody of the word freak.
Yes, that is the true meaning of freak and prik in slang language, which are the same or similar. The meaning of freak or prik in slang language is usually used to indicate someone's strange behavior or attitude. In addition, the meaning of freak or prik in slang language can also describe someone's abnormal behavior.
It is not surprising that the word prik is widely used to respond to a post on social media that is considered strange, abnormal, or crazy. An example of the use of the meaning of freak or prik that is currently viral on social media is the phrase 'The weirdest person of 2021'. That is the meaning of freak and prik in slang language that has gone viral on social media. Therefore, by understanding the meaning of freak in slang language, it will be easier for you to understand its meaning and usage.
3. Meaning of Freak and Its Synonyms

(credit: pexels.com)
There are several meanings of freak and its synonyms that you need to know. So that it makes it easier for you to understand the meaning of the synonym of freak. The following is the review about the meaning of freak and its synonyms that you can read.
1. Anomalous: Not normal
2. Aberration: Deviation
3. Mutation: Mutation
4. Strange: Strange or odd
5. Odd: Strange or odd
6. Weird: Strange
7. Quaint: Strange
8. Bizarre: Strange or odd
4. Trendy Slang Terms on Social Media

(credit: pexels.com)
After knowing the meaning of freak in the dictionary and slang language, also know several trendy slang terms on social media. Where the meaning of freak and trendy slang terms on social media are so popularly used. So by knowing the meaning of freak and trendy slang terms on social media, it makes it easier for you to understand the meaning and usage. The following is the review about the meaning of freak and trendy slang terms on social media.
1. CBL: It means Cakep Banget Loh (Very Handsome/Beautiful) or Cantik Banget Loh (Very Pretty).
2. TBL: It means Takut Banget Loh (Very Afraid).
3. Ghosting: It means being left without any notice or unclear relationship.
4. Uwu: It means romantic or very sweet.
5.Takis: It means brush, derived from the reversed word.
6.Komuk: It means facial condition.
7.Mantul: It means very cool.
8.Spill The Tea: It means reveal a secret or expose a secret.
9.Gabut: It means blind salary.
10.FYI: It means for your information.
11. Hyung: It means older brother in Korean.
12.Mager: It means lazy to move.
13.Bund: It means mother.
14.OOTD: It means Outfit of The Day, the clothes worn today.
15.DM: It means Direct Message, a message sent via Instagram.
16.Halu: It means hallucination.
17.Damage: It means damage. Meanwhile, in slang language, it is used to respond to something charming and captivating.
18.COD: It means Cash On Delivery, pay at the location.
19.LOL: It means Laugh Out Loud, laughing out loud.
20.Nirfaedah: It means useless.
21.Baper: It means getting emotional.
22.Bucin: It means love slave.
23.CMIIW: It means Correct Me If I'm Wrong.
That's the meaning of freak in English dictionary and trendy slang terms on social media. So by understanding the meaning of freak above, it can make it easier for you to understand the meaning and usage.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.