Kapanlagi.com - In Islamic religious studies, suhuf is a term that is often mentioned. Therefore, understanding the meaning of suhuf is important for Muslims.
Suhuf means the revelations of Allah SWT that were revealed to the Prophets and Messengers. Suhuf have a form like separate sheets that usually contain praise, remembrance, and advice that are not mandatory to be taught to humans.
Simply put, suhuf means sheets. This term is plural, namely shahifah. If you want to know more about the list of Prophets who received suhuf, please see the information below.
1. Suhuf Means Revelations

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
Not only the holy book, Allah SWT also revealed revelations to the Prophets in the form of suhuf. Suhuf means revelations received by the Prophets and Messengers of Allah SWT that were collected and recorded in the form of sheets of paper, camel skin, leaves, and so on.
The suhuf themselves were revealed to the Prophets, long before the verses of the Quran were conveyed to Prophet Muhammad SAW. If imagined in today's era, suhuf are like small brochures. The small brochures that were collected later became holy books. There is an explanation about suhuf in Surah Al-A'la verses 18-19 below.
Inna haazaa lafis suhu fil uulaa (18)
(Verily, this is in the former scriptures,)
Suhufi Ibraahiima wa Muusaa (19)
((Namely) the scriptures of Ibrahim and Musa.)
2. The Difference Between Suhuf and Holy Books

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
After understanding that suhuf means revelations that were sent down by Allah SWT, you may be curious about the differences between suhuf and holy books. In essence, suhuf and holy books actually have similarities, namely both were directly revealed by Allah SWT to His messengers.
The difference lies in the way they were conveyed. Holy books are revelations that were sent down by Allah SWT to His messengers to be taught to mankind, or can be referred to as a guide to life.
Meanwhile, suhuf are revelations that were sent down by Allah SWT to His messengers or prophets without being obligated to be taught to mankind. In addition, holy books are considered more complete. They contain more detailed explanations in the form of a book. Unlike suhuf which are generally praises directed towards Allah SWT. Such as remembrance and advice.
3. Prophets Who Received Suhuf

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
Suhuf means revelations from Allah SWT. You may also be curious about who received these revelations. Here is a list of prophets and messengers who received suhuf from Allah SWT. However, the number of suhuf received still raises differences of opinion among scholars. There is an opinion that suhuf amounted to 100 with the following breakdown:
- Shahifah revealed to Prophet Syits A.S amounted to 50 suhuf.
- Shahifah revealed to Prophet Idris A.S amounted to 30 suhuf.
- Shahifah revealed to Prophet Ibrahim A.S amounted to 50 suhuf.
- Shahifah revealed to Prophet Musa A.S amounted to 10 suhuf.
The list is based on a hadith narration that mentions that there were as many as 104 revelations that were sent down in the form of suhuf and holy books. Abu Dzar RA asked the Prophet Muhammad SAW,
"How many books has Allah sent down?"
The Prophet Muhammad replied,
"There are 104 books. Revealed to Prophet Syits were 50 suhuf, revealed to Prophet Idris were 30 suhuf, revealed to Prophet Ibrahim were 10 suhuf, revealed to Prophet Musa before the Torah were 10 suhuf." "Allah also revealed the Torah, Gospel, and Quran." (HR.Ibnu Hibban).
However, in the book "Concepts of the Majority of Ahlussunnah Wal Jammah", it is mentioned that Allah SWT also revealed suhuf to Prophet Adam AS with a total of 10 suhuf. Therefore, the total number of suhuf is 110.
In addition, further explanations about the Prophets who received suhuf can be found in the following information.
1. Prophet Adam AS
Prophet Adam AS was the first human to become a leader on this earth. Allah SWT then gave him an understanding of the universe. This understanding was not given to other creatures. Prophet Adam AS received 10 suhuf.
2. Prophet Musa AS
Prophet Musa AS was a son of Prophet Yakub bin Ishak. Prophet Musa AS also received the Book of Torah. Prophet Musa AS is one of the Prophets who received the title of Ulul Azmi. He also received 10 suhuf.
3. Prophet Ibrahim AS
Prophet Ibrahim AS is also one of the Prophets who received the title of Ulul Azmi, just like Prophet Musa AS. Prophet Ibrahim received 30 suhuf. However, some sources explain that Prophet Ibrahim only received 10 suhuf.
4. Prophet Idris AS
Prophet Idris was the first descendant who was then sent as a Prophet after Prophet Adam AS and Prophet Syits AS. He received about 30 suhuf. Allegedly, Prophet Idris is Akhnukh or Ukhunukh. He was called Idris because he was diligent in learning about religion, famous for his piety and intelligence.
5. Prophet Syits AS
Prophet Syits AS is known as a Prophet who received about 50 suhuf. However, other sources also say that he received as many as 60 suhuf. Prophet Syits is the son of the pious Prophet Adam. He was named Syits which means gift. In addition to being pious, he was also associated with Prophet Adam, or his father.
So, KLovers, that's an explanation of the scrolls and the list of prophets who received them.
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