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Victims of Beirut Lebanon Explosion Reach 73 People, This Compound is Suspected to be the Cause

Victims of Beirut Lebanon Explosion Reach 73 People, This Compound is Suspected to be the Cause Instagram @hypeinventions - The number of casualties from the massive explosion in Beirut, Lebanon is estimated to continue to rise. Reported by CNN, Health Minister Hamad Hassan said that the death toll reached 73 people.

In the explosion that occurred on Tuesday (4/8) evening, thousands of people were known to be injured. This condition forced Lebanese President Michel Aoun to take action.


1. State of Emergency

He announced a state of emergency for 2 weeks. In addition, a mourning period was also announced for the next 3 days.

Quoting the presidency's Twitter account @LBpresidency, President Aoun said that he will investigate and find the person responsible for the explosion. He mentioned that a large amount of Ammonium Nitrate had been stored in the warehouse for 6 years.

2. Ammonium Nitrate

"It is unacceptable that the shipment of 'ammonium nitrate' estimated at 2,750 tons was stored in a warehouse for 6 years without taking preventive measures, endangering the safety of citizens," he said.

Ammonium Nitrate itself is used for fertilizer and explosives. It is not flammable, but it increases the rate of combustion in front of easily combustible materials.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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YouTuber Prank Sacrificial Meat Turns Out to be Garbage Secured by Police, Family Clarifies that the Content is Only Staged

YouTuber Prank Sacrificial Meat Turns Out to be Garbage Secured by Police, Family Clarifies that the Content is Only Staged

The family of YouTuber from Palembang, Edo Putra, who recently caused a stir on the internet with a prank involving a bag of sacrificial meat that turned out to contain garbage, clarified that the content was only staged. Read more here!

YouTuber Prank Sacrificial Meat Turns Out to be Garbage Secured by Police, Family Clarifies that the Content is Only Staged