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Viral Muazin in Kuwait Recites Azan While Holding Back Tears and Changes the Call to Prayer Because of Corona

Viral Muazin in Kuwait Recites Azan While Holding Back Tears and Changes the Call to Prayer Because of Corona @ Flickr via greaterkashmir - A video of a muazin reciting the azan in a mosque in Kuwait has gone viral on social media. The azan recitation is deeply touching the hearts of Muslims worldwide.

Not without reason, the call to prayer recited by the muazin sounds soft and is occasionally accompanied by sobs and tears. It was later revealed that the azan recitation by the muazin had been modified from its original version.

In the circulating recording, the hoarse voice of the muazin replaces the phrase Hayya 'ala shalah which means 'come to prayer' with Shollu fii rihaalikum (pray in your homes). Upon investigation, it was discovered that this change was due to the coronavirus, which is currently a global disaster.

1. To Avoid Corona Virus


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A recording of the call to prayer that was recited in Kuwait went viral after featuring the hoarse voice of the muezzin when changing the call to prayer from "Hayya 'alash shollah" to "Ashsholatu fii buyutikum" which means "Pray in your own homes". . .This is not something new, the same thing was recommended by the Prophet peace be upon him when the environmental conditions did not allow for congregational prayers in the mosque. In this regard, there are at least 3 authentic hadiths regarding this change, it can be concluded that there are several additional phrases in the call to prayer when it is raining or in an emergency, as follows: 1. 'Alaa shollu fir rihaal' means 'Pray at home (HR.Muslim no. 1632 and Abu Daud no. 1063). 2. 'Alaa shollu fi rihaalikum' means 'Pray at your own homes (HR. Muslim no. 1633 and Abu Daud no. 1062) 3. Sholluu fii buyutikum means 'Pray at your homes' (HR.Muslim no. 1637 and Abu Daud no. 1066). The three phrases above are not all read, but one is chosen.. the placement can also be different. Regarding this matter, Imam An Nawawy commented, 'In the hadith of Ibn Abbas radhiyallahu 'anhu, the muadhin says 'Alaa shollu fii rihalikum' in the middle of the adhan. Whereas in the hadith of Ibn Umar, he says this phrase at the end of the adhan. Both methods are allowed, as emphasized by Imam Shafi'i rahimahullah in the book al-Umm in the chapter of Adhan, and followed by the majority of scholars in our madhhab (Shafi'i). (Explanation of Sahih Muslim by an-Nawawi, 5:207). May we, who Alhamdulillah are still given the freedom and security to worship in congregation, be granted steadfastness and gratitude for this blessing. According to the hadith, Konsultasi

A post shared by Cerita Horror True Story (@mwv.mystic) on Mar 14, 2020 at 1:52am PDT

To prevent the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19, the muadhin calls for prayer so that people can worship in their own homes. As we know, many public places and places of worship have been closed since the corona outbreak was declared a pandemic by the WHO.

In order to convey this message, the viral muadhin still recites the adhan by replacing certain phrases according to authentic hadiths. Because such a thing also happened during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

2. Changes in the Call to Prayer Allowed

According to various sources, changes to the call to prayer can be made when the environmental conditions endanger those who want to worship in the mosque. In the time of the Prophet himself, such changes to the call to prayer occurred when there was heavy rain, windy weather, and cold air.

It is undeniable that the viral video immediately touched the hearts of everyone who heard it. The mosque, which was once crowded with people praying in congregation, suddenly became empty due to the danger of the corona virus.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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