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6 Celebrities Accused of Being Homewreckers by Netizens, Latest is Nissa Sabyan

6 Celebrities Accused of Being Homewreckers by Netizens, Latest is Nissa Sabyan

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6 Celebrities Accused of Being Homewreckers by Netizens, Latest is Nissa Sabyan

A number of local celebrities have received sharp accusations from netizens who called them homewreckers. Some of them have their own stories.

Who are they? Find out more here.


Jennifer Dunn gained attention for being called a homewrecker in 2017. She was accused of ruining the marriage of Faisal Haris and Sarita Abdul Mukti, and even got confronted by Faisal Haris' child, Shafa Haris, at a shopping center in Jakarta.


Mayangsari was mentioned as the person who caused the breakdown of Bambang Trihatmodjo and Halimah's marriage. Halimah even crashed her car into Mayangsari's house gate in an attempt to confront her.


Mulan Jameela is also labeled as a home-wrecker by some netizens, because she was accused of taking Ahmad Dhani from Maia Estianty at that time. Mulan secretly married Dhani and they have two children, Shafiyah Ahmad and Aerlangga Ahmad.


October 2020. In Youtube 3Second TV, for the first time Mieke Amalia admitted that she and Tora Sudiro used to have an affair.


Deswita Maharani is rumored to be the cause of the cracks in Ferry Maryadi's marriage with his first wife. Shortly after divorcing, Ferry and Deswita finally officially became husband and wife in 2012.


The latest is Nissa Saban, who is accused of being a home-wrecker for having a relationship with Ayus Sabyan, the keyboardist of the band Sabyan Gambus. Ayus himself is known to have a child and a wife.