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7 Portraits of Bridal Shower Melody Prima who will soon get married again, the Happy Aura shines brighter

7 Portraits of Bridal Shower Melody Prima who will soon get married again, the Happy Aura shines brighter Portrait of bridal shower Melody Prima (credit: - Melody Prima is rumored to be getting married again after divorcing Tommy Bagus Setiadi. Recently, this 29-year-old beautiful artist received a surprise bridal shower from her close friends.

Through her social media account, Melody Prima shared the moment when her friends prepared the surprise bridal shower. Previously, there were rumors that Melody Prima would no longer be a single woman. These rumors started when the artist uploaded a photo with a blue background together with a man.

The alleged husband of Melody Prima also received attention. Eventually, the name Ilham Prawira appeared, who had previously posted an Instagram story about the artist. After the news circulated, here are the moments when Melody Prima received the surprise bridal shower.

1. Portrait of Melody Prima's Bridal Shower

Melody Prima looks graceful and charming in various portraits taken during her bridal shower. For information, Melody Prima officially became a widow after divorcing Tommy Bagus Setiadi in 2023.

In her latest post, the beautiful artist born in 1995 seems to confirm the rumors about her wedding. Apparently, she received a bridal shower surprise from close people, which is usually given before leaving single status.

"Thank you so much for this crazy Bridal shower surprise!" Writes Melody Prima as in the caption @melodyprima.

2. Didn't Expect to Have a Bridal Shower Despite Having Children

Various moments of happiness with Melody's friends were perfectly captured. Look at this portrait, showing how special that day was for Melody Prima, who will soon leave widow status. The beautiful 29-year-old artist admitted that she didn't expect to receive a bridal shower surprise considering she already has two children.

"To be honest, I didn't expect to still be given a Bridal Shower even though I already have two children." She continued.

3. Close Friends Plan Surprise Bridal Showers

This bridal shower for Melody Prima was held as a surprise from her friends. Without Melody's knowledge, her friends had planned this event. In the shared caption, Melody Prima initially intended to meet her friend for a meeting. She went to a promised restaurant. Wearing a green tosca-colored gamis and a patterned hijab, Melody Prima was shocked when her friends gave her a surprise bridal shower.

"I waited for about 30 minutes for the client who didn't show up, and it turned out that a circus group appeared. I was REALLY shocked!" said Melody Prima.

4. Feeling Lucky Surrounded by Loved Ones

Received a surprise bridal shower from friends, Melody Prima feels lucky to be surrounded by loved ones. She expresses gratitude and happiness for having friends who always support her. On that occasion, she also captures moments with her friends, all dressed in black outfits.

"I feel really lucky to be surrounded by good friends who always support me in any condition, always ready to be a listener and entertainer when I'm not feeling well," said Melody Prima.

5. Radiating Happiness Aura

Planning to get married again after a year of divorce, Melody Prima seems even happier. Although it's not her first marriage, Melody Prima radiates happiness as a bride-to-be. So surprised and happy, the beautiful artist who is popular through soap operas and movies seems speechless. When her friends draw lipstick marks on Melody Prima's face, the artist can only surrender with her sweet smile.

6. Touring the Mall with a Face Full of Lipstick Stains

Having a meeting at a restaurant located in a shopping center, Melody Prima couldn't refuse when her friends invited her to tour the mall. As a result, with a face full of lipstick stains and a veil crown, Melody Prima walked around the mall. She seemed to visit a perfume store with her friends. Despite being shy, Melody Prima appeared comfortable among her friends.

7. Wished for a Smooth Journey Until the Wedding Day

Although Melody Prima hasn't revealed much about her future husband, speculation about who the lucky man is continues to be discussed. Meanwhile, many netizens and celebrity friends are also praying for the artist's wedding plans to go smoothly until the big day.

Those are the portraits of Melody Prima's bridal shower, which is rumored to be getting married again soon. This bridal shower is evidence of the happiness surrounding the artist's life.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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