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7 Portraits of Nita Gunawan After Undergoing Liposuction and Fat Injection to the Face

7 Portraits of Nita Gunawan After Undergoing Liposuction and Fat Injection to the Face Portraits of Nita Gunawan after treatment in Korea (credit: - Nita Gunawan has just shared her latest updates after undergoing treatment procedures in South Korea. In her social media post, she showed the results of her face which has started to improve after three weeks post-treatment.

The treatment that Nita Gunawan underwent was done at a renowned clinic in Korea. One of the main procedures performed was fat grafting or fat transfer to the facial area. In addition, she also underwent liposuction in several parts of her body, including her arms and double chin.

Although at the beginning of her recovery her face was a bit swollen, Nita Gunawan expressed satisfaction with the results of her treatment, which are now becoming clearly visible. Curious about what the latest portraits of Nita Gunawan look like after her treatment in Korea? For more details, check here, KLovers.

1. Portrait of Nita Gunawan After Treatment in Korea

Nita Gunawan appears confident and fresher after undergoing treatment in South Korea. The artist, born in 1991, is not hesitant to share her experience of undergoing a series of beauty treatments. She revealed that her treatment did not require hospitalization as it was non-surgical. This procedure was performed at one of the renowned clinics in South Korea.

2. Reveal Liposuction and Fat Addition

In a post on her personal social media, Nita Gunawan emphasized that the procedure she underwent is not plastic surgery that drastically alters the face. She only underwent liposuction and fat grafting to improve several areas of her face and body.

"The journey of liposuction and fat grafting in Korea, guys. Don't worry, I'm not doing (plastic surgery) that changes my face," wrote Nita Gunawan in the caption @nitagunawan09.

3. Fat Addition in the Face

The fat graft procedure is performed by adding fat to several areas of the face such as the forehead, under the eyes, and smile lines. This method is revealed by the artist to be healthier because the fat comes from her own body. In addition, Nita Gunawan underwent recovery until the results started to improve after a few weeks. Here is the latest portrait of Nita Gunawan after treatment in Korea.

4. Liposuction of the Arms, Double Chin, Thighs

In addition to fat grafting, Nita Gunawan also underwent liposuction in several areas of her body such as the arms, double chin, and thighs. This procedure helps remove excess fat to create a more ideal body appearance. Before undergoing this procedure, Nita Gunawan had a health examination.

5. Face Was Temporarily Swollen

At the beginning of the recovery period, Nita Gunawan admitted that her face experienced temporary swelling. Especially in the areas that were treated, such as around the eyes, forehead, or smile lines. However, she explained that the condition improved over time. It is evident that now the artist's face has started to recover.

6. Must Wear a Corset for 1 Month

To expedite the recovery process, Nita was required to wear a corset for both her face and body for a full month. She also shared her experience of not showering or washing her hair for the first three days after undergoing treatment. Although it felt difficult, Nita Gunawan mentioned that "beauty is pain". This beautiful artist also expressed her satisfaction with the natural and not excessive results.

7. Results After 3 Weeks

After three weeks, Nita Gunawan showed the results of the treatment she underwent in Korea. As seen in this portrait, the results appear natural. This transformation has caught the attention of netizens and flooded the artist's post with various compliments.

That is the latest portrait of Nita Gunawan after undergoing beauty treatment in Korea. Follow the latest celebrity news only at If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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