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8 Photos of Sofia Yulinar, Adhisty Zara's Mother who is Equally Beautiful - Always Stylish

8 Photos of Sofia Yulinar, Adhisty Zara's Mother who is Equally Beautiful - Always Stylish Sofia Yulinar - Adhisty Zara - Hasya Kyla © Instagram/mrssaladin - When it comes to young and talented actresses, the name Adhisty Zara often comes up. This granddaughter of Acil Bimbo also has a mother who is equally beautiful. Zara's mother is named Sofia Yulinar and she always looks youthful and stylish. It makes you curious, what does Adhisty Zara's mother look like?


1. Full Name

Here is the mother of Adhisty Zara and Hasya Kyla. Her name is Sofia Yulinar.

2. Compact with Husband

Sofia has a husband named Mario Saladin Akbar Kusumawardhana. This family has Sundanese blood.

3. Has 4 Children

Currently, Sofia has 4 children, namely Hasya Kyla, Adhisty Zara, Kenji, and Keenan.

4. Zara's Biggest Supporter

Certainly, Zara's success until now is the prayer and support from Sofia. Both of them always share sweet moments on social media.

5. Part of the PDI Perjuangan Team

If you look at her Instagram, Sofia is one of the members of the PDI Perjuangan family. It turns out that Sofia is also active in many activities.

6. Always Stylish

Always beautiful, Sofia is diligent in wearing stylish clothes. It is not uncommon for netizens to say that Sofia looks like Zara and Kyla's older sister.

7. Familiar with Zara's Co-Stars

On every occasion, the mother also diligently accompanies Zara to an event. Sofia always seems familiar with Zara's co-stars like Angga Yunanda and Iqbaal Ramadhan.

8. Close-Knit Family

This photo was taken when they were on vacation in Bali. They look so fun and close-knit!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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