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8 Pictures of Rachel Vennya Watching Coldplay Concert with Salim Nauderer and Her Eldest Son

8 Pictures of Rachel Vennya Watching Coldplay Concert with Salim Nauderer and Her Eldest Son

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8 Pictures of Rachel Vennya Watching Coldplay Concert with Salim Nauderer and Her Eldest Son

The Coldplay concert was held on Wednesday (15/11) and several celebrities didn't want to miss the euphoria of the Coldplay concert at GBK, including Rachel Vennya. What's interesting is that she brought Xabiru to his first concert. Check out their excitement below!


Spending time with children is a pride for all mothers. Especially being able to witness the development of their children, which Rachel Vennya also feels.


Despite being busy, Rachel Vennya doesn't want to miss out on her child's growth. She always wants to enjoy various moments with Xabiru and Chava, and one of them is taking big brother Biru to watch the Coldplay concert.


In her Instagram post, Rachel wrote that this is Abang Biru's first concert. Her son looks very enthusiastic and not fussy, you know.

8 Pictures of Rachel Vennya Watching Coldplay Concert with Salim Nauderer and Her Eldest Son

"Abang first ever concert ??. Super excited even though I, being protective, am scared because of the thousands of people, but I really want to sing Yellow in front of Abang ?????? and many other Coldplay songs with Abang because when I listen to Coldplay songs, only Abang and Adek come to mind," Rachel Vennya wrote.


Not only the two of them, Rachel also invited her boyfriend, Salim. Rachel thanked Salim for truly taking care of and carrying Biru. It really feels like a family from Cemara.

8 Pictures of Rachel Vennya Watching Coldplay Concert with Salim Nauderer and Her Eldest Son

"Thank you, uncle Salim, for always holding my hand and carrying me ?? another core memory unlock! Can't wait for our next concert, brother ????," Rachel Vennya wrote.


Rachel also explained that her second child, Chava, couldn't join because she is not old enough. Can't wait to see Chava join the fun with Buna, it will definitely be exciting.

8 Pictures of Rachel Vennya Watching Coldplay Concert with Salim Nauderer and Her Eldest Son

It's heartwarming to see the closeness between this mother and child! Even though little Biru doesn't understand the songs yet, he is very excited and won't go to sleep. Looking forward to the next concert together.