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Aaliyah Massaid Shares the Difference of This Year's Ramadan in Kapanlagi Buka Bareng

Aaliyah Massaid Shares the Difference of This Year's Ramadan in Kapanlagi Buka Bareng Aaliyah Massaid © Utama Putra - On Saturday (2/5/2020), Kapanlagi Buka Bareng was held with special guest star including Aaliyah Massaid. Aaliyah's performance provided great entertainment through her songs.

Not only entertaining with her performance, Aaliyah also talked about the difference in fasting month this year. She expressed that she can no longer gather with many people.

"This year, I feel the difference in fasting is that last year I could gather with friends, with family, I could break the fast outside, or have suhoor outside and share it with others, and also go for a walk during iftar", Aaliyah Massaid shared in the Live Performing on Kapanlagi Buka Bareng, Saturday (2/5/2020).

"But now, I can only stay at home and can't gather with friends, can't meet many people, it's sad. Because this holy month of Ramadan is the month I always look forward to every year. Because it's a time to gather with others and everything", she added.

1. Aaliyah Expresses Gratitude

Although this year's fasting month is different, Aaliyah has been able to carry it out smoothly. "So far, my fasting has been going well, thank God. But it feels very different compared to last year's fasting month, but thank God, my fasting has been going smoothly so far," said Aaliyah.

Behind that, Aaliyah is also grateful that many people provide food for breaking the fast and also for sahur, like her friends who cook for her.

"Usually, I have a maid who cooks at home, but sometimes I order food. But thank God, many people have sent me food during this corona pandemic," said Aaliyah.

"It's like every day there is food being sent to me and many friends cook and send it to me. But during this fasting month, I only cook once, not yet. I only cooked rawon once for learning," she added.

2. Simple Iftar

In addition, Aaliyah also mentioned that she eats and drinks simple and ordinary things when breaking her fast.

"Just plain water. The important thing for me is to have cold water when breaking the fast, it has to be really cold, and dates. They say that eating dates is a tradition of the Prophet. So when I break my fast, I usually drink water and eat dates," she said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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