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Aliff Alli Consumes Prescription from Mental Hospital, Aska Ongi Denies Domestic Violence as the Cause

Aliff Alli Consumes Prescription from Mental Hospital, Aska Ongi Denies Domestic Violence as the Cause Aska Ongi © Abbas Nugroho - Aska Ongi made a shocking statement that Aliff Alli consumes a prescription from a mental hospital in the Dharmawangsa area, South Jakarta. During their relationship, Aska accompanied Aliff several times to redeem the medication there.

The first medication is arinia, which is used to help treat bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The second is clonazepam to relieve anxiety and panic disorders.


1. Not the Cause of Domestic Violence

During her secret marriage with Aliff Alli, Aska Ongi often experienced physical violence. When asked if it was the effect of the medication she consumed, the owner of the real name Yulia Aska denied it.

"It's not the medication (that causes domestic violence), in fact, medication helps him. That's a doctor's reference. So, what bothers him is his mentality, his mental state. That's why he hallucinates, asked for evidence but there is no evidence," said Aska when met at the Central Jakarta Religious Court on Wednesday (21/4/2021).


2. Wants to Acknowledge the Child

As is known, Aliff Alli is in the process of filing for isbat marriage and divorce. This is so that the child from the secret marriage with Aska Ongi can be acknowledged. However, many things need to be done by Aliff for that.

"Regarding the child's custody rights, first, the mother still has the rights. Because this child is still underage. Second, this marriage has not been legally recognized according to the applicable laws," said Feriyawansyah, Aska Ongi's legal representative when met at the same place.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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