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Already Able to Walk, 7 Portraits of Nova Gracia Indri's Child who is More and More Like Her Father

Already Able to Walk, 7 Portraits of Nova Gracia Indri's Child who is More and More Like Her Father Portraits of Nova, Gracia Indri's child, who is becoming more and more adorable (credit: - The child of Gracia Indri and Jeffrey Slijpen is becoming more and more adorable at the age of over one year. The latest is that Baby Nova can already walk even though she is still being held by her parents.

Living in the Netherlands after getting married, Gracia Indri is quite active in uploading her activities with her family. Including moments with her daughter who was born in 2022. Now, Nova Lynn Slijpen is over one year old. This beautiful artist's child often steals attention because she is so adorable.

Moreover, Baby Nova is now slowly showing her development, which is becoming smarter. Curious about what Nova, Gracia Indri's child, who is more and more like her father, looks like? Check it out here, KLovers.

1. Portrait of Nova, Gracia Indri's Child

Nova Lynn Slijpen is the child of artists Gracia Indri and Jeffrey Slijpen. Baby Nova often appears on Gracia Indri's social media account, and every photo of her always manages to capture the attention of netizens. For this celebrity couple, Nova's presence adds to the happiness of their harmonious household. Here is the latest portrait of Nova, Gracia Indri's growing child.

2. Not Yet 2 Years Old

In November 2023, Nova will already be one year old. As time goes by, Nova shows many amazing developments. Meanwhile, Gracia Indri and her husband often share special moments of their daughter. Like in this portrait, Gracia Indri is delighted to witness Nova becoming smarter over time. The beautiful artist and older sister of Gisela Cindy also allows fans to experience their happiness in seeing their daughter's progress.

3. Already Able to Walk

Recently, Gracia Indri showed the development of Nova, who is already able to walk. Although still a bit unsteady, Nova's small steps successfully made Gracia Indri's heart happy. A joyful expression radiates from the artist and her husband, Jeffrey Slijpen, when they see Nova able to walk.

4. Still Being Held

Baby Nova seems to be able to walk slowly. However, Gracia Indri's child still needs to be held to maintain balance. Look at this picture, Nova is being held by her father. Meanwhile, Gracia Indri's husband follows Nova's small and active steps, curious about her surroundings. Jeffrey Slijpen carefully watches over his daughter.

5. Happy Strolling

In the midst of their busy schedules, Gracia Indri and her husband often take Nova for a stroll. Whether it's a vacation or just quality time, this celebrity family always shows their warmth and togetherness. Look at this picture, the three of them seem to be enjoying their time together while strolling. Apparently, Gracia Indri, along with her husband and child, spends time shopping. A cheerful smile radiates from Gracia Indri's child's face as they explore the surroundings, accompanied by both parents.

"Nova shopping. Daddy has to hold on, otherwise he will go crazy like mommy hahaha," wrote Gracia Indri in the caption @graciaz14.

6. Even More Adorable

Since birth until now, this Gracia Indri's child looks so adorable. Baby Nova has chubby cheeks and a cute expression. His cheerful face, innocent laughter, and activeness successfully capture the attention of netizens. Look at this portrait, Nova walking and shouting like a baby, showing his increasing activeness.

7. His Appearance is Very Western

It cannot be denied, Nova inherits his father's Western features. That's why his appearance is very Western, resembling his dad. Look at this portrait, how adorable Nova is when he realizes that his mother is recording him. Meanwhile, seeing Nova already able to walk, many feel that time passes by so quickly since Gracia Indri's child was born.

That's a portrait of Nova, Gracia Indri's increasingly adorable child who can already walk. This celebrity family is known for being harmonious and warm on every occasion.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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