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Ashraf Sinclair Passed Away Due to Heart Attack, Bunga Citra Lestari: Take Care of Your Family as Best as Possible

Ashraf Sinclair Passed Away Due to Heart Attack, Bunga Citra Lestari: Take Care of Your Family as Best as Possible BCL left a message for Titi Kamal © Herdianto - Actress and singer Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL) is currently mourning. On Tuesday (18/02/2020), her husband, Ashraf Sinclair, passed away due to a heart attack.

A number of celebrities were present at the funeral home. Among them were married couple Titi Kamal and Christian Sugiono.

While shedding tears, Titi and Tian reminisced about Ashraf, who was known to be wise and always smiling. "Ashraf was a straightforward person, kind, and patient. He was also a good father and husband. Hopefully, he will be accepted into Allah's heaven," said Titi Kamal, as quoted from Kompas TV's YouTube channel on Tuesday (18/02/2020).

1. Bunga Citra Lestari Leaves a Message

Titi Kamal also met and spoke directly with BCL. Even at the funeral home, the singer of the song Sunny left a message for her.

"Yes, I met her, she must be very devastated. She said, 'We never know what will happen, love your family as much as possible','" she explained.

2. Noah's Mature Attitude

Not stopping there, Titi Kamal also revealed the character of Ashraf and BCL's only son, Noah. Looking strong, he actually comforted his mother in front of the mourners.

"Very sad, Noah is very mature. He said, 'Be patient, Mama','" she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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