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Bored at Home, Ruben Onsu Brings 'The Master 2' Magician to His House

Bored at Home, Ruben Onsu Brings 'The Master 2' Magician to His House Ruben Onsu © Herdianto - Self-quarantine in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic is still being carried out, including by Ruben Onsu and his family. After more than a month of self-quarantine, Ruben's children are starting to feel bored. To find a solution, Ruben invited a magician to his house.

This was revealed by the famous presenter on the MOP Channel's Youtube channel last Sunday (3/5). Choosing a magician to come to the house is not without reason.

1. Haven't Left the House for a Long Time

"I want to entertain the children. Because the magician's performance is related to children. Thalia likes balloons, so it has to be something that the children like," said Sarwendah's husband.

He also added that his three children haven't left the house for a long time. "The children haven't been outside for a long time, they also want some entertainment," added Ruben.

2. Confused for a Moment

Ruben admitted that he was confused in finding entertainment for his children. He then remembered Michael Wong, a magician whom he knew often appeared on TV shows.

"I've been thinking, who could it be, oh yeah, I remember Michael Wong, whenever Koko has a TV show, he's one of the performers. I always say, this is perfect for entertaining my children," said Ruben.

3. Children Never Ask

Bringing a magician to the house was not the request of the children. "The children don't ask for anything. They don't ask for this or that," explained Ruben.

Yes, Ruben as a parent feels obligated to be sensitive to the wishes of his sons and daughters.

"But as parents, we know that every day there can be boredom. So, how to overcome boredom for children, we have to be sensitive," he concluded.

4. Jebolan The Master 2

Total dedication to entertain his beloved child, the invited magician Ruben is no joke. As reported by, Michael Wong is a graduate of the magic competition The Master season 2. This event was once a favorite show for viewers in 2009.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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