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Called Ungrateful Children for Refusing to Meet Biological Mother, Aurel and Azriel Want to Go Out Together But KD Always Refuses

Called Ungrateful Children for Refusing to Meet Biological Mother, Aurel and Azriel Want to Go Out Together But KD Always Refuses Aurel, Azril, KD © Istimewa - After Krisdayanti divorced from Anang, the children from their first marriage, Aurel and Azriel, have been living with their father until now. In an interview with Perspektif some time ago, KD expressed her hope to be able to live together with Aurel and Azriel but it is still not possible.

Because of this, Aurel and Azriel admitted to receiving many DMs from netizens on Instagram. Some even called them ungrateful children. Anang and Ashanty even questioned this to their sons.

Through the Youtube channel The Hermansyah A6, Aurel and Azriel gave an answer regarding this matter and how their relationship is now with their biological mother, Krisdayanti.

1. Often Invite Collaboration

Initially, Aurel explained that they didn't want to talk about this. But because they felt the need to provide clarification, eventually these siblings gave their opinions, which were considered as disobedient children who didn't want to meet their parents.

"Even though we're the ones who always invite collaboration (yes, us)," said Azriel.

"In the past, we often invited [them] to meet. Like many people requested, 'Come on Aurel, like this like this like this', before others spoke, we had already done it," continued Aurel.

2. KD Rarely Responds

Azriel also said that every time there is a family event, Ashanty always invites Krisdayanti, but unfortunately, the aunt is always busy so she can't come.

"But Auntie also never comes or if she does, she doesn't respond. Meanwhile, we always come," said Aurel.

3. Not Wanting to Disturb KD and Raul Lemos' Household

Regarding the invitation to live together, Aurel said that KD only asked her recently, not when they were still young. She and her younger sister also said that back then, they didn't want any problems between KD and her new husband, Raul Lemos, because they were still children.

"Mimi (KD) also once told me that Uncle (Raul) is happy with us because we are already adults, no longer throwing tantrums," said Azriel.

4. Want to Go on a Trip with KD

When asked again if she wants to live with KD, Aurel said that because she already has a job and might soon start a family, she just wants it to be like this. Azriel mentioned his hopes.

"Basically, I want there to be no gap between Mimi, Mom, and us. If we want to organize an event and invite Mimi, I don't need to be there. Let's just stay in touch, meet together. That's what I want. Because if I want to meet Mimi, it's not that we don't want to go there, I always message Mimi, 'Mi, let's meet outside'. We want it to be normal. But Mimi never can, she always wants to stay at home," said Azriel.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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