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Ibu Ashraf Sinclair Uploads a Photo of Noah Sinclair Studying, Comment Section Filled with Praise and Prayers

Ibu Ashraf Sinclair Uploads a Photo of Noah Sinclair Studying, Comment Section Filled with Praise and Prayers Ashraf Sinclair - Noah Sinclair. Credit: via taken on 9/3/2020 at 17.34 - The departure of Ashraf Sinclair certainly still leaves a wound in the family. Just like his wife Bunga Citra Lestari and their child, Noah Sinclair.

Left behind by their father, the child of Ashraf Sinclair and Bunga Citra Lestari is still overwhelmed with grief. Fortunately, the young boy is surrounded by close family.

Through social media accounts, the mother of the late Ashraf had uploaded a photo of Noah studying.

1. Noah Sinclair Mengaji

On Sunday (8/3) yesterday, Ashraf Sinclair's mother, Dida Sinclair, uploaded a photo of her grandson, Noah, who was studying the Quran.

The little boy was seen sitting wearing a plain shirt and a cap covering his head. In front of him, there was an Iqra that seemed to have just finished reading.

"Amin," wrote Dida Sinclair accompanying the post.

2. Received Praise and Prayers

The post certainly received a very positive response from netizens. Many of them praised Noah and gave prayers.

"May Noah become a good, strong, and resilient child, always pray for his father, Noah," wrote one netizen. "A pious child," expressed another.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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