Kapanlagi.com - In conjunction with National Nutrition Day, which falls on January 25th, Royco food seasoning remains consistent in its commitment to combat malnutrition. This year, Royco collaborated with the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) with the theme "Joint Action to Prevent Stunting and Obesity".
This commitment has been carried out by Royco since 2019. According to Ari Astuti, or familiarly known as Tutut, Head of Foods & Beverages PT Unilever Indonesia, Tbk., this commitment aims to improve the health and well-being of the wider community.
"In line with this commitment, Royco prioritizes the purpose of the Food Movement for the Future to inspire Indonesian families to consume dishes made from sustainable food sources, in accordance with the government's 'Isi Piringku' (My Plate) guidelines,"
"Seeing the triple burden of malnutrition still faced by the Indonesian people, Royco continues to intensify education through the 'Royco Nutrimenu' program. After successfully converting 80 million Indonesian family plates into more delicious and nutritious meals in 2021," Tutut added.
1. Need Joint Attention
Furthermore, the problem of stunting also requires joint attention. The Indonesian Toddler Nutrition Status Study (SSGBI) 2021 shows that the prevalence of stunting reaches 24.4 percent. According to Dr. (H.C) dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG (K), Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency, the reduction of stunting itself is targeted to reach 14 percent by 2024.
"We are striving to achieve the target of reducing stunting to 14% by 2024. Considering the complexity in the field, interventions to accelerate the reduction of stunting require collaboration from all parties, including the food industry," said Hasto Wardoyo.
2. Increasingly Worrisome

Furthermore, this problem is considered more worrying during the pandemic. 45 percent of households with children find it difficult to provide sufficient nutritious food for their children. If left unchecked, UNICEF predicts that the number of stunted children in Indonesia could increase by up to 31.8%, and fall into the 'very high' category.
"Together with Unilever Indonesia, we will collaborate to provide educational approaches to families at risk of stunting so that the nutritional quality of the community can improve and ultimately accelerate efforts to reduce stunting," he said.
The collaboration between BKKBN through the Healthy Kitchen to Overcome Stunting (DASHAT) program and the Nutrimenu program will be carried out through community empowerment activities at the village/urban village level as an effort to meet balanced nutrition for families at risk of stunting.
Later, DASHAT cadres will be equipped with Nutrimenu recipe inspiration and education on the importance of cooking and consuming balanced nutritious food according to the 'My Plate' guidelines, so that it can be disseminated to the entire target program, including pregnant or lactating mothers.
According to Dr. Diana F. Suganda, Sp.GK, M.Kes., a Family Nutrition Expert, good nutrition to meet children's nutrition can start from the mother and father first, even before pregnancy. Good and balanced nutrition certainly contains macronutrients or nutrients in large quantities; such as carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
3. Share Recipe Ideas
Then, there are also micronutrients or small amounts of nutrients, such as vitamins.
Both of these things must be fulfilled to maintain body metabolism, so it is important to improve daily nutritional intake at home. One of the nutrients needed for the growth and development of children's nutrition is iodine, and it will affect thyroid hormones.
"The coverage of this collaboration target is very appropriate because malnutrition that threatens the quality of children's growth and development is partly caused by the still high prevalence of malnutrition in pregnant women," said Diana.
Meanwhile, Chef Jerry Andrean, who is the Winner of Masterchef Indonesia Season 7, also shared nutritious cooking ideas for children. Starting cooking assisted by Fitri Tropica.
They create interesting menus for children to be willing to eat vegetables and fruits. There are chicken patties, creamy spinach, and purple smashed potatoes; and to enhance the savory taste and iodine content, they use Royco seasoning that already contains iodized salt.
4. Colorful Food
Chef Jerry himself revealed that colorful food will attract children to eat food that contains vegetables. Therefore, purple smashed potato made from purple sweet potatoes was created. Chicken meat for chicken patty and creamy spinach are suitable companions for children to eat, as it is not difficult to make this menu.
"Balanced nutrition from these three foods can be a breakfast menu choice for children at home. Another tip to make children want to eat nutritious vegetable food is to cut them thinly or small, then put them into chicken meat or other foods, so that they do not know but can still get sufficient nutrition," said Jerry.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.