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Commemorating International Women's Day, Ayu Azhari's Hope for Indonesian Journalists

Commemorating International Women's Day, Ayu Azhari's Hope for Indonesian Journalists Ayu Azhari © Kampua - Every March 8th is International Women's Day. On Monday (8/3/2021), Ayu Azhari, one of the senior artists, commemorated Indonesian Women's Day by highlighting Indonesian journalists.

Ayu Azhari also uploaded a selfie photo on her Instagram social media account with Indonesian female journalists. In addition, Ayu has hopes for Indonesian journalists to continue to develop and become agents of change, and Ayu also expressed that journalists need to enter the Education Arena.

"Journalists need to enter the education and literacy arena so that their news reporting is intelligent and can become agents of social change," wrote Ayu Azhari in the Instagram caption, Monday (8/3/2021).

1. Every Woman Deserves a Balanced Portion

In addition to hoping that Indonesian female journalists can continue to develop and become agents of change, Ayu Azhari also hopes that every woman will receive a balanced portion in order to educate the people and even improve the well-being of Indonesian women.

"We need to be given a balanced role in order to compete in educating the nation. Also, a focus on empowering women based on local potential," writes Ayu Azhari.

"So that the lives of Indonesian women can be more independent and prosperous, and their dignity as Indonesian women can be preserved and honored," she continues.

2. Give a Message to Indonesian Women

Ayu Azhari also gives a message to women in Indonesia, that all women must be able to nurture and raise the next generation of this nation.

"Because building a nation starts from home, where women nurture, care for, and raise the next generation of the nation," she concludes.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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