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Crying While Apologizing to Putri Delina Who Was Hurt, Here's a Harmonious Portrait of Nathalie Holscher with Sule's Children - Close like Friends

Crying While Apologizing to Putri Delina Who Was Hurt, Here's a Harmonious Portrait of Nathalie Holscher with Sule's Children - Close like Friends Sule and Nathalie Holscher's Family (credit: - Nathalie Holscher and Putri Delina are being talked about by the public after their shocking confession in a podcast. It all started when Putri Delina poured her heart out about an incident involving her stepmother, Nathalie Holscher.

In the podcast, Putri Delina mentioned that she still feels hurt when Nathalie Holscher left Sule's house. Although the issue was said to have been resolved, a different fact was revealed when Putri Delina poured her heart out and mentioned that Nathalie did not apologize after the incident.

Nathalie, on the other hand, claimed that she had already apologized to various parties, including Sule's children. This incident caused a misunderstanding between Nathalie and Putri Delina.

Therefore, Nathalie hopes that Sule can reunite with his daughter and resolve all these misunderstandings. Sule himself said that he does not blame anyone. So, what is the harmonious portrait of Nathalie and Sule's children like? Let's check it out, KLovers.


1. Full of Warmth Between Mother and Children

Married to a widower, Nathalie became the fourth stepmother to Sule's children from his previous marriage. Even before getting married, Nathalie was already seen to have a good relationship with all four of Sule's children. It's no wonder that after she officially became a stepmother, Sule's children seemed to want to be close to Nathalie.

Various photos of the warmth between mother and children can be seen in every moment. Like this moment of togetherness during quality time at home.


2. Always United

Two years of marriage, Nathalie and Sule were blessed with a child named Adzam Adriansyah Sutisna who was born in 2021. Nathalie herself always appears united with Sule's children. Like in this photo, when the celebrity family had fun together during a recent vacation in Singapore. Wearing matching cream outfits, Nathalie and Sule's children looked so united. Do you agree, KLovers?


3. Very Harmonious

The relationship between Nathalie Holscher and Sule's children looks very harmonious. Moreover, there are several posts that sometimes show the love between mother and children. Various moments of togetherness of this celebrity family often touch netizens. One of them is this photo when Sule, his wife, and his children were hanging out together.


4. Close Like Friends

Nathalie Holscher is known to be not too far in age from Sule's two children, Rizky Febian and Putri Delina. It's no wonder that their togetherness looks close like a friend. Putri Delina even once said that Nathalie Holscher is not only her stepmother but also like a friend and older sister.


5. Accompanying Every Moment of the Children

Various important moments of Sule's children, Nathalie always seen accompanying them. For example, such as birthdays, graduation days, and even when Sule's children underwent circumcision at the end of 2021, Nathalie faithfully and sincerely accompanied her stepchildren. Even at that time, Ferdinan Adriansyah Sutisna did not want to be separated from his stepmother. This situation certainly proves that Nathalie has become a special person in the hearts of Sule's children.


6. Full of Fun During Vacation

This celebrity family is known for their fun and togetherness. Like in this photo when the celebrity family appeared in character outfits from the movie SQUID GAME. Various fun moments of this celebrity family are recorded so sweetly on their private Youtube channel. Jokes, laughter, and mischief make their relationship even closer to each other.


7. Sweet Bond Between Stepmother and Children

Her affection is like a biological mother, some netizens often praise Nathalie Holscher. Especially Sule's two children, Ferdinan and Rizwan, who are known to be very spoiled and do not want to be far from their stepmother. No wonder, their moments together are recorded so sweetly like in this photo.

Those are a series of photos of Nathalie Holscher and Sule's children. What do you think, KLovers?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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