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Facing the New Normal, Ruben Onsu Prepares Betrand Peto's Concert in October as Planned

Facing the New Normal, Ruben Onsu Prepares Betrand Peto's Concert in October as Planned © - The discourse of the new normal is reported to start being implemented on June 1st. Efforts to change habits back to normal while still implementing health protocols are expected to revive the economy as well as combat the COVID-19 virus.

In response to the new policy, Ruben Onsu apparently has already made plans that will be carried out by Betrand Peto in the future, namely a concert that will be held in October. He admitted that this concert will be held according to the previously made schedule.

"If Betrand's concert is still according to the schedule, it will be in October. As for what I want to do, there is none yet," said Ruben Onsu when met at Trans TV, South Jakarta, Thursday (28/5/2020).

1. A Father's Contribution

Although Betrand's concert, which will be held in October, is an event organized by a television station, Ruben Onsu is still directly involved in preparing everything. As a father, Ruben must know the ins and outs of the event that his son will be starring in.

"There's a big plan in October. Coincidentally, it's organized by TV, so the concept and everything else must be approved by me, I have to know what will be done, the list of songs that Betrand will perform," said Ruben.

2. Special Concert Preparation Schedule

Although the concert in October is still a few months away, Ruben admitted that Betrand has already started preparing himself from now on. Ruben Onsu's adopted child has a special schedule related to his concert preparation.

"Yes, Betrand has started from now on. In the morning, he goes to school first, then he takes a nap, swims in the afternoon, and then starts vocal training, everything," he continued.

3. There is Another Surprise

Besides the concert, there is another thing that will be a surprise from Betrand Peto. This surprise will be revealed in a press conference that has not yet announced its schedule.

"There will be, for sure there will be its own press conference," concluded Ruben Onsu.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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