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Felicya Angelista Criticized by Netizens, Zaskia Adya Mecca Defends Friend When Attending Discussion on Helping Palestine: In Islam, It's Called Tabayun

Felicya Angelista Criticized by Netizens, Zaskia Adya Mecca Defends Friend When Attending Discussion on Helping Palestine: In Islam, It's Called Tabayun Zaskia Adya Mecca Defends Felicya Angelista When Attending Discussion on Helping Palestine / Credit Photo: Instagram/felicyangelista_ - zaskiaadyamecca - On Monday (13/11/2023), a number of Indonesian celebrities attended Rembuk Warga, which discussed various aid for the people of Palestine. In this celebrity meeting, Zaskia Adya Mecca, who has been actively showing support for Palestine, of course, was present.

The meeting also featured Felicya Angelista in several photos uploaded by, discussing the Palestinian people affected by the Israeli-Hamas conflict. However, her presence immediately became the center of attention because previously Felicya was criticized by netizens for her posts that were suspected to be pro-Israel.

The reason Felicya was criticized by netizens was because she uploaded a video expressing her stance on the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza, but included news videos about Israel being attacked by Hamas. Therefore, her presence at Rembuk Warga was criticized by several netizens. However, Zaskia Adya Mecca, as a friend, did not stay silent seeing Felicya being flooded with criticism about it.

1. Sympathize with Netizens who are Sarcastic

Zaskia Adya Mecca supports her friend. Hanung Bramantyo's wife is very disappointed with the behavior of some netizens who enjoy insulting and being sarcastic. 

“Can you please explain, Kak, why can Scarlett's owner participate?” wrote a netizen with the account @ais**** in the comment section. There are many questions and sarcastic remarks like this that make Zaskia Adya Mecca feel sad. She posted this statement on her social media.



2. Sad and Confused with Netizens

Zaskia Adya Mecca reveals her feelings when reading some netizens' comments. She admits feeling sad because there are many negative comments attacking Felicya. It is also revealed that Felicya Angelista's presence is for tabayun. Tabayun itself is a good deed to seek clarification so that it does not become slander.

“Reading the comment section, I feel sad and confused about some netizens' perspectives. It's time for us to husnudzon (think positively). Let's not ignore our main goal of uniting to help all our brothers and sisters in Palestine,” she expressed.

“In Islam, it's called tabayun, Mbak,” Zaskia Adya Mecca responded and urged, “In terms of language, tabayun means seeking clarity about something until the true and real situation is clear. Give a chance.”



3. Rembuk Warga

In his written statement, Kita Bisa together with Zaskia Adya Mecca explained that Rembuk Warga was attended by several public figures who care about the victims in Gaza, Palestine.

“This event was held to facilitate those who want to know the latest updates about Palestine and the next stage of aid distribution,” wrote Kita Bisa's official Instagram account.

Currently, planning for the second stage of distribution is being carried out, taking into account the conditions in Gaza. Some of the funds collected will also be allocated to support recovery and reconstruction efforts after the tragedy.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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