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First Impression of 'DARI JENDELA SMP' Cast on Sandrinna Michelle, Some Thought She Was Arrogant

First Impression of 'DARI JENDELA SMP' Cast on Sandrinna Michelle, Some Thought She Was Arrogant Sandrinna Michelle (Credit: - It has been months, the soap opera DARI JENDELA SMP continues to be a favorite show for viewers. Although it initially sparked controversy, the exciting story of Wulan and her friends is too good to miss.

The fun is not only in the storyline, but also behind the scenes. Long before that, they were not as close as they are now! Some even thought that Sandrinna Michelle, who plays Wulan, was arrogant. Who is she?

1. Different from Wulan

According to Emiliano Cortizo, Sandrinna is very different from Wulan. She is more sociable and kind.

"Wow, definitely (Sandrinna) is very different from Wulan. Sandrinna is a very fun person, she likes to hang out with us, very kind," said Emil as quoted from recently.

2. Prefer Sandrinna

He also admitted that he prefers the character of Sandrinna over Wulan, who acts innocent.

"She's definitely the best, especially on set, she likes to joke around unlike Wulan. I prefer Sandrinna over Wulan. Wulan is too pretentious, while Sandrinna is straightforward," continued the man with a pointed nose.

3. Is Sandrinna Arrogant?

Different from Emil, Ratu Sofya had a different impression. She still remembers the first time she met Sandrinna, she thought Sandrinna was arrogant.

"At first, I thought Sandrinna was arrogant, but it turned out she's not. When we get close to her, she becomes very humble," she concluded.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Inviting the Young Generation to Care for the Environment, Ramon Y Tungka Reveals the Positive Impact of the Candi Darling From Home Program