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Gewa Anak Mutia Ayu and the late Glenn Fredly is now two months old

Gewa Anak Mutia Ayu and the late Glenn Fredly is now two months old Glenn Fredly - Mutia Ayu - Gewa. Credit: via taken on 29/4/2020 at 17.44 - Recently, the music industry in Indonesia lost a legendary musician, Glenn Fredly. He left behind a wife, Mutia Ayu, and their daughter, Baby Gewa.

Glenn Fredly passed away when their baby was just over one month old. Now, the little baby has reached the age of two months.

1. Mutia Ayu's Post

On Tuesday (28/4) yesterday, Mutia Ayu uploaded a photo of her daughter sleeping soundly while hugging a doll.

In the caption, the late Glenn Fredly's wife congratulated her daughter who is now two months old. "Happy two month my little Gewa," she wrote.

2. Memorable Photo

Before his passing, the late Glenn Fredly uploaded his first photo carrying his newborn daughter. Gratitude and happiness were expressed in the caption of that memorable photo.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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