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Indah Dewi Pertiwi and Wiwiek Hatta Successfully Organize Virtual Fashion Show for Muslimah Syar'i Clothing

Indah Dewi Pertiwi and Wiwiek Hatta Successfully Organize Virtual Fashion Show for Muslimah Syar'i Clothing Indah Dewi Pertiwi and Wiwiek Hatta (credit: Personal Documentation) - Two syar'i hijab brands, Tajmil Syar'i and Wiwiek Hatta Luxury Syar'i, successfully held a virtual fashion show with the theme Stars de Amour Muslimah Virtual Fashion Show at Hotel Pullman, Bandung City, on Monday (15/3/2021).

Various latest models with the coolest styles were showcased. One by one, female models wore hijab models from both brands, radiating graceful and elegant charm.

"So today, Tajmil Syar'i premium clothing brand collaborated with Wiwiek Hatta to showcase our latest collections," said Wiwiek Hatta, owner of Wiwiek Hatta Luxury Syar'i.

1. Bandung City Fashion Show Location

Wiwiek Hatta chose Bandung City as the location for his latest Muslim fashion show because Bandung is famous for its fashion brand.

In this fashion show, Wiwiek showcases hijab styles with satin material.

"From WH, we are launching luxury and maybe using more satin materials with prints, and there will be more luxurious usage," said Wiwiek.

2. Highlighting Hijab Styles

Meanwhile, at the same event, the owner of Tajmil Syar'i, singer Indah Dewi Pertiwi (IDP), mentioned that Tajmil is highlighting a more elegant hijab style with special prints.

"For Tajmil, we still use special prints, elegant, and maybe there are some simple ones depending on personal preferences. It is also mentioned at the bottom that it is IDP and Tajmil's logo," said Indah Dewi Pertiwi.

IDP mentioned that she only uses premium quality materials for her designs.

"We don't use cheap materials, we use all premium imported materials," said IDP.

3. Focusing on Pursuing His New Career

As known, IDP currently prefers to focus on pursuing his new career as a modest Muslim fashion designer.

Although held during the pandemic era, the virtual fashion show received a considerable enthusiasm. However, inevitably, they had to limit visitors to minimize the spread of Covid-19.

"Alhamdulillah, the enthusiasm is really good, but because of Covid, we couldn't maximize it, about 75 percent. Because we have to follow the protocols even though there are many people outside who want to come in, and we prioritize our partners," explained IDP.

"Insha Allah, we are doing our best, especially approaching the month of Ramadan, we take all the opportunities. Our partners who attended came from Banjarmasin, Surabaya, Medan, Aceh, Kalimantan, Makassar, they all attended," he added.

4. Hoping to Be an Inspiration

Just like Wiwiek, Indah hopes that the fashion show held this time can be an inspiration and encourage Muslim women in Indonesia to have more confidence in wearing modest clothing.

"Of course, I want all Indonesian Muslims to quickly wear modest clothing, especially this design is more elegant and up-to-date, so they will be more confident," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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