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Entering the Age of 31 and Wanting to Get Married in 2021, Virzha Already Has a Partner?

Entering the Age of 31 and Wanting to Get Married in 2021, Virzha Already Has a Partner? Virzha © Herdianto - Singer Virzha revealed his desire to get married soon. Especially since this year he is already 31 years old. He admitted that he wants to have a wife and a child as soon as possible.

"I'm already 31 now, I want to end my single life, I want to have children, I want someone to continue my career, I want to give my parents grandchildren, those are my hopes," said Virzha in the Ceger area, East Jakarta some time ago.

1. Already Have a Partner?

He also hopes to get married this year. Although until now he still doesn't have a partner. But, Virzha admitted that there is a woman he has set his sights on and will introduce her to his family.

“I want to get married this year. I don't have a partner yet but there is someone I'm interested in. Hehe. The plan is to introduce her to my family in a few months, and if it goes well, hopefully we can get married right away. If not, maybe I'll need to adapt again,” he said.

2. Asked When Will He Get Married

Especially since the singer of the song 'Sirna' has been asked when he will get married by his parents. Because the target age for marriage has passed for quite a long time.

“Yesterday my parents asked me when I will get married. They asked me, if possible, not to wait any longer because the target age for marriage is 25, and it's already been 6 years,” Virzha concluded.

3. Not an Obstacle

The Covid-19 pandemic should not be an obstacle for anyone to get married, including Virzha. However, always remember #IngatPesanIbu. Wash your hands regularly, always wear a mask, and keep your distance.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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