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Rara Lida's Childhood, Once Ate on a Tree and Swam in a River with Crocodiles

Rara Lida's Childhood, Once Ate on a Tree and Swam in a River with Crocodiles Rara Lida (credit: - Talented young singer Tiyara Ramadhani, or better known as Rara Lida, was born and raised in Prabumulih, South Sumatra. There are many interesting stories from Rara's childhood.

Not only playing by the train tracks, but there are many things that Rara did after school, and one of them is flying kites.
Rara said that flying kites has become a daily routine after school.

"Hahaha. Actually, I don't just fly kites, but Rara flies kites as a daily activity after school," said Rara during a virtual press conference on Monday (15/3/2021).

1. Eating on a Tree

Not only that, Rara has a unique habit that many people don't know, which is eating on a tree.

"After coming home from school, I always eat first, eating on a tree. So I bring a plate, bite the plate and then Rara climbs up, and then eat on the tree while picking fruits. haha," she said.

2. Swimming in the River

Not only that, Rara also likes to swim in the river. What makes people shake their heads, Rara still dares to swim in the river even though many people say there are crocodiles in that place.

"I didn't see any crocodile, but people there say don't swim there because there are crocodiles, as someone has seen it. But well, there are none (crocodiles)," Rara concluded.

3. Remember Mother's Message

Now Rara LIDA is preparing to release a new work with a group called Byoode. Together with fellow alumni of DA and LIDA dangdut singers, Rara will soon greet fans with a new song.

If Rara LIDA and Byoode can remain productive in the midst of a pandemic, you KLovers can surely do it too. But don't forget, #RememberMother'sMessage to always wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, and keep your distance. Stay safe!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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