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Irish Bella and Ammar Zoni Share THR, Check out their excitement

Irish Bella and Ammar Zoni Share THR, Check out their excitement Irish Bella and Ammar Zoni - Irish Bella and Ammar Zoni don't want to miss the Ramadan moment without sharing with those in need.A few days before Eid, they decided to distribute their own version of Eid Allowance (THR) to the workers around their house. 

In one THR package, there are several staple ingredients such as oil, syrup, coffee, and biscuits.The package is put into colorful cardboard boxes with attractive floral motifs.The AishTV logo is also included on one side.The excitement of preparing the THR sharing was broadcasted on their YouTube channel, A!shTV.

"There are many employees around this housing area, about 40 people.And Abang (Ammar Zoni) also shared with the crew at the shooting location," said Irish at the beginning of the video.It is known that Ammar Zoni is currently shooting the charity variety show, MR MONEY, which will air after Eid.

Ammar Zoni shares THR with TV show crew. Photo: AishTV

When on location shooting, Ammar started by thanking the crew for their hard work. "Before Eid holiday, there's a little something for all of you," he said.One by one, the crew expressed their gratitude while receiving gifts from Ammar Zoni. 

The decision to distribute gifts to workers around the housing area was taken because Irish and Ammar felt that the workers were very friendly and kind to the residents. "There's a man who always greets Air when he's sunbathing," he said. 

It feels happy to see Irish and Ammar being able to share with the people around them. How about you, KLovers? Always remember your mother's message when sharing with others. Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, and always maintain distance. 

Happy Eid Fitri, KLovers. Please forgive me, body and soul. 


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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