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Live Singing, Arsy Hermansyah Flooded with Praise

Live Singing, Arsy Hermansyah Flooded with Praise Arsy Hermansyah ©Instagram/queenarsy - Ashanty uploaded a video showing her daughter, Arsy Hermansyah, singing live. In the video, Arsy can be seen wearing a yellow headscarf and sitting while singing.

"Arsy is performing," Ashanty wrote in the video caption uploaded on Wednesday (29/4/2020).

1. Singing the Song of Prophet Muhammad

In the short video, Arsy sings live a song about Prophet Muhammad. She looks very enthusiastic and cheerful.

"Muhammad, Muhammad, you're my angel. Muhammad, Muhammad, you're my hero. Muhammad, Muhammad, my role model," Arsy said.

2. Receive Many Praises

Ashanty's post has received many praises from netizens. They left compliments for Arsy in the comment section of the post.

Many netizens praised how righteous the third child of Anang Hermansyah is. There are also many who find Arsy's singing performance adorable.

"Masha Allah, a righteous child," wrote one netizen.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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