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Making Eca Aura's Salting Parah, Here's Jerome Polin's Moment Looking at Himself

Making Eca Aura's Salting Parah, Here's Jerome Polin's Moment Looking at Himself Portrait of Eca Aura Salting (Credit: Instagram/jeromepolin/elsaajapasal) - As a rising artist, Eca Aura's daily activities often attract attention. Especially activities related to love affairs.

Recently, a video of Eca Aura salting parah when looked at by Jerome Polin has been circulating on social media. Because they are considered to have similar faces and embrace the same religion, they are praised for being compatible and even matched together.

So, what does Eca Aura's salting parah look like when looked at by Jerome Polin? Let's find out more information below.

1. Portrait of Eca Aura

Elsa Japasal or better known as Eca Aura is a celebrity who started her career as a TikTok content creator. Later on, she became the Brand Ambassador (BA) of Aura Esports, which is still attached to her name. With her increasing popularity, Eca Aura's activities often catch the public's attention.

2. Gazed by Jerome Polin

Throughout this time, Eca Aura has often been invited to create content together. Recently, the meeting between Eca Aura and Jerome Polin has become the center of attention. The video clip uploaded by the Instagram account yashowbiz depicts Eca Aura's behavior when being gazed by Jerome Polin.

3. Extreme Saltiness

It can be seen that Jerome Polin is sitting next to Eca Aura and continuously staring at her. Eca Aura, who realizes this, immediately bursts into extreme saltiness and cannot hold back her laughter. However, Jerome still continues his sweet attitude.

4. Adorable Response

When her protest was only met with a smile, Eca Aura began covering Jerome Polin's eyes. She also scolded Jerome Polin several times not to look at her while speaking. Eca Aura's shy response successfully made netizens adore her.

5. Considered Suitable

As a rising young artist, Eca Aura is often being paired with other celebrities. Previously, she was paired with Alam Ganjar, Ganjar Pranowo's son, and singer Dikta. This time, Eca Aura is considered suitable with Jerome Polin because of her extreme salty response during filming.

6. Also of the Same Faith

Previously, Eca Aura, who embraced Christianity, was often matched with Muslim celebrity men. This time, the 22-year-old girl is seen getting close to Jerome Polin, a fellow Christian. If they enter into a romantic relationship, there will be no high walls that will hinder them.

7. Supported by Netizens

Thanks to their interactions that make them get closer, Eca Aura and Jerome Polin are supported by netizens. They are also considered compatible because they have equally handsome and somewhat similar faces.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of portraits of Eca Aura who is seriously being admired by Jerome Polin.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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