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Many Accusations from Netizens Regarding Involvement in Vina's Case, Former Deputy Regent of Cirebon's Family Speaks Out

Many Accusations from Netizens Regarding Involvement in Vina's Case, Former Deputy Regent of Cirebon's Family Speaks Out Vina's family & film crew - Credit: - VINA: BEFORE 7 DAYS seems to have successfully brought attention back to the case of the murder of a 16-year-old teenager from Cirebon that occurred in 2016. The case, which resurfaced after being stagnant for about 8 years, has sparked many speculations from the public.

The latest news is that Pegy alias Perong, the mastermind behind Vina's murder, has been captured. However, this arrest has sparked controversy.

Not only that, the children of the family of the Deputy Regent of Cirebon, Sunjaya Purwadisastra and Wahyu Tjiptaningsih, have also been dragged into this case. Their children, named Ramadhani Purwadi Sastra and Satria Robi Saputra, are accused of being fugitives in Vina's murder case.

Initially, this accusation was ignored by the family of the former Regent of Cirebon. However, as time went on, more and more people contacted their family to inquire about the truth of this information.

"The news linking Rama to Vina's case in Cirebon is a hoax. His college friends, professors, everyone asked about it, Rama became mentally disturbed, especially with the cruel comments from netizens," said Ema, a member of the former Deputy Regent of Cirebon's family, when interviewed at their residence in Cakung, East Jakarta, on Sunday (26/5).

1. Only Cocokologi

On the same occasion, Ramadhani considered the accusation to be nothing but netizens' cocoklogi. Especially at the time of the incident, he was still in the 5th grade of Elementary School (SD).

"I was born in October 15, 2004, and the incident happened in 2016, which means at that time I was still around 11 years old and still in the 5th grade of Elementary School," said Ramadhani.

2. Ready for Clarification

In addition, although it is associated with this murder case, they stated that until now there has been no call from the police. If there is a call in the future, the family is ready to cooperate in order to clarify this confusing news.

"Although many people associate our family with this case, there has been no call at all from the police. We are ready to clarify if necessary," said Ema.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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