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Mispronouncing Pancasila, Kalista Iskandar Named One of the Ambassadors of MPR RI

Mispronouncing Pancasila, Kalista Iskandar Named One of the Ambassadors of MPR RI Kalista Iskandar © Instagram/kalistaiskandar - Kalista Iskandar is one of the finalists of Puteri Indonesia 2020 who has caught public attention. She became the center of attention after mispronouncing a sila in Pancasila during the night of the Puteri Indonesia 2020 selection.

After the incident, this woman from West Sumatra admitted that she will not give up. She will remain determined and proud of herself for making it to the grand final night of Puteri Indonesia 2020.

As a result of her mistake, recently MPR RI took the initiative to provide guidance to the finalists of Puteri Indonesia including Kalista. These finalists will be given guidance on the four pillars of the nation.


1. Becoming MPR Ambassador

This moment was also seen in the latest photo on the official Instagram of Puteri Indonesia. In the photo, Kalista can be seen smiling while shaking hands with the Chairman of MPR RI, Mr. H. Bambang Soesatyo, S.E., M.B.A and the Chief Advisor of the Puteri Indonesia Foundation, Mrs. Putri Kuswisnu Wardani.

"The Puteri Indonesia 2020 received guidance from the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia @mprgoid regarding the Four Pillars of MPR RI. The Puteri Indonesia 2020 were also appointed as MPR RI Ambassadors who will later be able to socialize about the Four Pillars of MPR RI to the young generation of Indonesia," the account wrote.

2. Not Recognized by the West Sumatra Provincial Government

Previously, there was news that the West Sumatra Provincial Government apparently did not recognize Kalista as a representative of West Sumatra. The West Sumatra Provincial Government even claimed to be unaware of the process of appointing her to represent the region.

"The West Sumatra Provincial Government has never provided recommendations or permits to individuals or institutions to represent West Sumatra in the Miss Indonesia (PPI) 2020 event," said Jasman Rizal, Head of the West Sumatra Provincial Government's Public Relations Bureau, as quoted by Kumparan.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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