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Now Neck Support Installed to Leg Cast, Here are 7 Portraits of Angela Lee Before the Accident - Beautifully Dubbed Javanese Barbie

Now Neck Support Installed to Leg Cast, Here are 7 Portraits of Angela Lee Before the Accident - Beautifully Dubbed Javanese Barbie Potret Angela Lee Sebelum Kecelakaan (credit: instagram/angelalee87) - Beautiful presenter and selebgram Angela Lee recently made headlines. Suddenly, Angela Lee was reported to have an accident on the Solo - Semarang toll road.

Due to the accident, Angela Lee suffered serious injuries. From the photos uploaded on Instagram, it appears that Angela Lee had to wear a neck brace and a cast on her right leg.

Angela Lee's condition after the accident has made many people sympathetic. Moreover, Angela Lee always looked beautiful and healthy. So, are you curious about what Angela Lee looked like before the accident?

Instead of being curious, let's take a look at some of her portraits below.


1. Beautifully Charming

Since her first appearance on screen, Angela Lee has captured the hearts of many people because of her beauty. Angela Lee has a beautiful face with a pointed nose and slim cheeks. Angela looks even more charming when wearing make-up that is not too thick.


2. Dubbed Javanese Barbie

Angela Lee is known as a presenter. However, because of her beauty, many viewers fail to focus on the shows she hosts. Instead, the audience's attention is focused on Angela Lee's beautiful face, which is often dubbed as Javanese Barbie.


3. Always Stylish in Fashion

Besides her beauty, Angela Lee is also admired for her appearance. Because in every moment of her appearance, Angela Lee always looks cool with stylish clothing. Angela Lee often shows off her cool ootd on Instagram.


4. Often Appears Mature

Angela Lee is already associated with a mature image. This is because Angela Lee often appears mature with fairly open clothing. Angela Lee always looks confident wearing clothes that show off her curves.


5. Often Shows Off Her Long Legs

Long and smooth legs are also a charm of Angela Lee. In some of her Instagram posts, this Semarang-born presenter appears quite often showing off her long legs.


6. Body Goals

It cannot be denied, Angela Lee is indeed mesmerizingly beautiful and has a physique that can attract the hearts of men. Not only a beautiful face, Angela Lee also has an ideal body and always looks fit. Truly body goals.


7. Like a Teenager

Because of her beautiful face and body goals, Angela Lee looks forever young. Proven at the age of 36 years, Angela Lee still looks like a teenager. The impression of Angela Lee as a teenager is also supported by her appearance which looks very current.

Those are some of Angela Lee's portraits before the accident. Hopefully she will recover soon and be able to resume her activities, Angela Lee!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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