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Once Labrak Ashanty, Here are 7 Portraits of Azriel Hermansyah's closeness with his Stepmother who is getting more affectionate

Once Labrak Ashanty, Here are 7 Portraits of Azriel Hermansyah's closeness with his Stepmother who is getting more affectionate Ashanty and Azriel Hermansyah (credit: - As it is known that Ashanty is the stepmother of Aurel Hermansyah and also Azriel Hermansyah. Although she is a stepmother, it turns out that Ashanty has a close relationship with both of Anang Hermansyah's children. One of them is when Ashanty and Azriel share their life stories, which can be seen on The Hermansyah YouTube Channel.

In the video, Azriel cries when telling the story of Ashanty's struggle taking care of him and his older sister. He feels touched to see Ashanty always trying to understand him.

However, Azriel used to confront and be angry with Ashanty. Yes, this happened at the beginning of Ashanty's marriage to Anang. This was revealed through Anang's confession when he was a guest on ITIKK Family, Tya Ariestya's YouTube Channel.

Now their family has become one of the close-knit and harmonious celebrity families. And here are the portraits of Azriel's closeness with Ashanty, which become closer every day.

1. Hard Work in Building Relationships

In The Hermansyah A6 YouTube Channel, Azriel revealed how extraordinary Ashanty tried to get close to them. Azriel also admitted that he is a difficult person to approach when there are new people. It is undeniable that Azriel is a very sensitive person.

Eventually, Ashanty managed to get close to him, even becoming closer until now. It is not easy how Ashanty managed to win his heart.

2. Can Change Azriel for the Better

There are also Azriel's behaviors that are still remembered by Ashanty. According to his confession on the ITIKK Family YouTube Channel, Ashanty once heard a story from her driver about Azriel. 

Azriel had a big fight with the driver. However, it didn't last long, and as an apology, Azriel gave him 50,000 rupiahs. After such an incident, the driver immediately told Ashanty. The driver felt surprised because it was the first time he received an apology from Azriel.

3. Prohibiting Late Return

All parents certainly want to give the best for their children, just like Ashanty. It's no wonder that Ashanty forbids Azriel from coming home after 9 o'clock when he was still in high school. If it is still violated, Ashanty still waits until Azriel comes home.

As a teenager, of course, this makes him annoyed. Moreover, at that time, children his age are still hanging out. But what happened, he still had to go home according to orders.

But now Azriel understands, everything Ashanty does is also for his own good. Fortunately, Azriel has a mother like Ashanty who always pays attention to him.

4. Limiting Expenses

Ashanty has also limited Aurel and Azriel's expenses. Ashanty did this because she saw both of them being extravagant and buying every food they saw.

Finally, Ashanty discussed with Anang about limiting expenses. Initially, Anang was worried about the strictness that Ashanty showed, but fortunately, in the end, Azriel and Aurel could accept and follow all the advice.

5. Once Considered Mother Doesn't Love

Because everything was restricted by Ashanty, Azriel once thought that his stepmother didn't love him and Anang, that Ashanty only loved his father. That was what made Azriel worried. But as they grew older, Aurel and Azriel realized that Ashanty actually did those things for their own good. 

6. Mother's Child

After experiencing many things, Azriel and Ashanty's closeness grew. Azriel became a child who always listened to Ashanty's words. He also always paid attention and even prohibited Ashanty from wearing revealing clothes.

In Ashanty and Aurel's confession, now Azriel has become a mature and understanding child to his siblings. Azriel has also become a good child and is no longer sensitive. Just like Azriel who considers Ashanty as everything.

7. Loving Ashanty Like a Biological Mother

Azriel expresses gratitude to Ashanty for taking care of them up until now. Azriel is also thankful because Ashanty continues to provide equal love to their father, siblings, and him.

"Thank you to mom for her love towards Ziel, but what I admire the most about mom is that she loves dad, older siblings, and younger siblings equally. I also want to thank mom for taking care of dad and older siblings until now," said Azriel.

After expressing gratitude, Azriel becomes emotional and cries in Ashanty's embrace.

Those are some portraits of the closeness between Azriel and Ashanty. Despite not having a blood relation, their sincerity can be seen through their shared moments in every activity.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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