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Performing Intimate Scenes in the Horror Film 'POSSESSION', Darius Sinathrya Seeks Permission and Discusses with Donna Agnesia First

Performing Intimate Scenes in the Horror Film 'POSSESSION', Darius Sinathrya Seeks Permission and Discusses with Donna Agnesia First Credit: - Darius Sinathrya stars in POSSESSION, a remake of the cult French film released in 1981. He plays the character of Faris, a husband who suspects his wife of cheating because she suddenly asks for a divorce.

In this film directed by Razka Robby Ertanto, Darius performs a daring scene that has never been done before. It includes (sorry) masturbation and intimate scenes. Before shooting, Darius, of course, discussed it with his wife, Donna Agnesia.

"I always share all the projects I get with Donna. I ask for permission and we discuss it. I also talk to the director about what they want to achieve, how to achieve it, because as an individual with a wife and family, maybe I wouldn't do that," said Darius, when met at Plaza Indonesia, Thamrin area, Central Jakarta, on Friday (3/5/2024).

1. Donna Agnesia's Support

After going through a discussion process, Donna Agnesia gave her support for Darius Sinathrya to be involved in the film POSSESSION. Because the opportunity to play in a remake with a challenging role will not come twice.

"The offer to be in the film POSSESSION is something that I as an actor will not have the chance again. Donna knows that, that's why she has been very supportive from the beginning even though I have to do scenes that I have never done before," said Darius.

2. Opportunity Doesn't Come Twice

Darius Sinathrya admitted to rejecting many acting offers to protect Donna Agnesia's feelings. However, it would be a great regret if he missed out on this POSSESSION remake.

"Actually, there are many projects that I didn't take because I thought they were too excessive. But the synopsis that I read is quite interesting, the character of Faris is challenging to portray," said Darius.

"I can explore something that I have never done before. And this is a remake of a well-known French film, so it is an honor to be involved, an opportunity that will not come twice," Darius added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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