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PHOTO Funeral of Damayanti Noor, Chrisye's Wife, Accompanied by Family's Tears - Attended by Many Celebrities

PHOTO Funeral of Damayanti Noor, Chrisye's Wife, Accompanied by Family's Tears - Attended by Many Celebrities

Celebrity Family Death

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PHOTO Funeral of Damayanti Noor, Chrisye's Wife, Accompanied by Family's Tears - Attended by Many Celebrities

Sad news once again comes from the entertainment world of the homeland. Yesterday, Saturday, (8/2) Damayanti Noor, the late Chrisye's wife, passed away at the age of 95.

Yanti, as she was familiarly called, took her last breath while on vacation with her friends in Cipanas, Puncak, Bogor. She only complained of a headache, then Yanti passed away and today, Sunday, (9/2) her body was buried in TPU Tanah Kusir, Jakarta. One grave with the late Chrisye.



Never heard of illness, suddenly sad news came from Damayanti Noor, Chrisye's wife. Yanti passed away on Saturday, (8/2) in Cipanas, Bogor.


Only complaining of headaches, Yanti then couldn't hold her glass. In a weak condition, Yanti was taken to the clinic and then to the hospital.


In the hospital, Yanti received treatment in the form of a heart shock. But fate had other plans. She was declared dead at 12.45 PM.


According to Yanti and Chrisye's son, his mother had no history of stroke or heart disease. However, during her lifetime, Yanti experienced high blood pressure several times.


There were no signs given by Yanti before her death. She regularly went on vacation with her friends to Puncak and did not give any signals.


Before her death, Yanti regularly took high blood pressure medication every morning. She also regularly visited the doctor every few times.


Before leaving for Puncak, Yanti would usually hug her children. But this time, the children hugged Yanti first and it turned out to be their last hug.


Yanti's departure was initially attributed to a stroke. However, her two sons, Pasha and Masha, denied this. They did not see any history of stroke in Yanti.


Many celebrities came to Yanti's funeral, including Ryan D'Masiv who had worked with Chrisye during his lifetime.


Music observer Bens Leo also attended Yanti's funeral. Bens' friendship with Chrisye brought him close to the late singer's family.


Velove Vexia also came to Yanti's funeral. She expressed her condolences to the suddenly bereaved family.


Yanti's departure also brought sorrow to Vino G Bastian. He had portrayed Chrisye's character in a film specially made for the late singer, and from there Vino got to know Yanti well.


Goodbye Yanti Noor. May your good deeds be accepted by the Almighty God. We, the entire editorial team of, express our deepest condolences to the bereaved family.