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Photo of Sandra Dewi Saying She Never Asked for Money from Harvey Moeis and the Reason Why She's Ashamed to Show Off Her Wealth

Photo of Sandra Dewi Saying She Never Asked for Money from Harvey Moeis and the Reason Why She's Ashamed to Show Off Her Wealth

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Photo of Sandra Dewi Saying She Never Asked for Money from Harvey Moeis and the Reason Why She's Ashamed to Show Off Her Wealth

Everything about Sandra Dewi is being discussed again after her husband, Harvey Moeis, was declared a suspect in a corruption case. When Sandra came to Boy William's podcast, there were several things from the statement of the mother of two that became a topic of conversation.

Sandra Dewi in Boy's podcast briefly talked about her family's wealth. Here are some moments!


Boy William briefly mentioned Sandra who was very relaxed about seeing her car scratched. Sandra revealed that she learned all of that from her husband.


Sandra said that before getting married, she would definitely get angry if the driver scratched the car. But after marriage, she was advised to look at the other side, as the driver might have a lot on his mind. Besides, Sandra's economy is better than the driver's.


Sandra also gave a reason why she didn't want to show off her husband's wealth. One of the reasons is that she has met many great people who are wealthier.


Sandra said she would feel really embarrassed if she showed off her wealth when there are still many who are wealthier. But she emphasized that she doesn't judge people who show their wealth.


Boy also revealed that before appearing on his podcast, Sandra warned him not to ask about her family's wealth.


Because according to Sandra, that is her husband's wealth. She is also more comfortable using the money she has earned herself.


Sandra also said that she never asked for money from Harvey. But her husband likes to give it suddenly. If not given, Sandra won't ask.


This statement from Sandra has been widely discussed by netizens. What do KLovers think?

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Now Becoming a Suspect, Portrait of Windy Idol Revealed Sending Intimate Chats to MA Secretary - Involved in Money Laundering Case

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Now Becoming a Suspect, Portrait of Windy Idol Revealed Sending Intimate Chats to MA Secretary - Involved in Money Laundering Case