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Reported Arya Claproth with Allegations of Adultery, Karen Pooroe: My Child's Grave is not Dry Yet

Reported Arya Claproth with Allegations of Adultery, Karen Pooroe: My Child's Grave is not Dry Yet Karen Pooroe ©®/Budy Santoso - The issue of the death of their child, Arya Satria Claproth, was not yet resolved when suddenly he reported Karen Pooroe to the South Jakarta Metro Police on Saturday (7/3) last week, with allegations of adultery.

When asked for comment regarding the report from her husband, Karen Pooroe, also known as Karen Idol, chose not to respond. Because her focus now is only on the death of their child.

"I don't want to respond to things like that. Because for me, the focus now is on Zefania's case and its legal development. I am focused on the truth for my child," said Karen when met in the area of Kapten Tendean, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (10/3).

1. Form of Diversion of Issues?

There are suspicions that Arya Satria Claproth's report is a form of diversion of issues. As a father who has just lost his child, Karen Pooroe feels that what her husband did was inappropriate.

"I don't know what his intentions are, but I am more relaxed about it. For me, these are things that should not be done, it's not appropriate at a time like this, my child's grave is not even dry yet. If they want to accuse, please go ahead, there will be legal evidence later," explained the Indonesian Idol contestant.

2. Want to Report Back?

For now, Karen admitted that she has no intention of reporting back against her husband. She can only wait to see how the case develops.

"Ah, it's a waste of energy, what's the point of reporting back? Until now, my friends also know what I have been fighting for, which is my child. Now that my child is no longer here, so reporting back... oh! Well, let's see how far they are willing to proceed. I myself don't like to complicate things," concluded Karen.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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