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Rizal Djibran Calls Sarah His Ex-Wife Not a Victim of Domestic Violence but Slipped

Rizal Djibran Calls Sarah His Ex-Wife Not a Victim of Domestic Violence but Slipped Rizal Djibran (credit: Santoso) - Actor Rizal Djibran and Sarah have officially divorced some time ago. However, their dispute continues until now.

It is known that Sarah reported Rizal for alleged domestic violence and sexual violence. Not long after, Rizal also filed a report for alleged defamation and slander against Sarah, both made at the Jakarta Metro Police.

Regarding Sarah's report on alleged domestic violence, Rizal firmly denies it and claims to have evidence. Rizal said that the injury photo presented by Sarah is said to be due to slipping.

"The accusation of domestic violence against S by R is not true. We can show a letter from a doctor that turns out it was just a slip," said Fredrich Yunadi, Rizal's lawyer, in Pondok Indah area, South Jakarta, on Thursday (3/8/2023).

1. Chronology According to Rizal

Rizal tells the beginning of the incident that Sarah eventually used as evidence. At that time, Sarah was in a hurry to go to the market and slipped in the bathroom of their room.

"We were going to the market, in a hurry to leave and slipped. It was in the bedroom, actually there is a bathroom in that room too," said Rizal.

2. Rizal Immediately Helps When Sarah Falls

Knowing that his wife at the time had fallen, Rizal quickly provided assistance. Rizal took Sarah to the hospital.

"Yes, I immediately reflexively helped. We went to the hospital for treatment," he said.

3. Rizal Has Evidence

Therefore, Rizal already has evidence from the statement of the doctor who previously treated Sarah. Moreover, the report made by Sarah does not include forensic evidence.

"Later, this will be evidence for the investigators that there was no domestic violence. If she really felt beaten, thrown, or anything like that, there should be a doctor's forensic report, the date must be known. You can't just show a photo and claim that she was abused," Fredrich concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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