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Ruben Onsu Gives Birthday Greetings and Writes Special Prayers for Jordi Onsu

Ruben Onsu Gives Birthday Greetings and Writes Special Prayers for Jordi Onsu Ruben Onsu - Jordi Onsu (credit: Herdianto) - June 12th is a special day for Jordi Onsu. Today, the younger brother of Ruben Onsu is celebrating his 27th birthday. As an older brother, Ruben certainly does not want to miss his brother's happy moment.

In an Instagram post a few hours ago, Ruben gave a special greeting and prayer for the uncle of Thalia, Thania, and Betrand Peto.

In this moment of Jordi Onsu's birthday, Ruben hopes that his younger brother can always be a humble person.


1. Speech and Prayer from Ruben

"Happy birthday to my little brother @jordionsu who is now growing up and all the prayers at your age now are answered, be a humble and enlightening person to those around you, AMIN," Ruben wrote as quoted from his Instagram post, (12/6).

Not only Ruben Onsu, several celebrities also gave their congratulations on the post. For example, Ayu Ting Ting and Rossa.

"Happy birthday @jordionsu, god bless u luv," Ayu wrote.

"Happyyy bday Jordiiiii @jordionsu," said Rossa.

2. Becoming Business Partners

Jordi and Ruben's relationship has not only been as brothers. They are also involved in many aspects of the business world that they develop together.

They are even willing to work late into the night to think about strategies to keep the business running during a virus outbreak like the current one.

"Because this is the topic of our conversation every day, especially me with my brother, until midnight, 1am, 2am, the meetings don't stop," said Ruben, Friday (17/4).


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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