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Starting from Judo Athlete, Actor Joe Taslim Becomes a Watch Lover - Has a Special Wardrobe!

Starting from Judo Athlete, Actor Joe Taslim Becomes a Watch Lover - Has a Special Wardrobe! Joe taslim: Akrom Sukarya - Not known to the public, actor Joe Taslim is actually a watch lover. It all started when he was still in the National Training Center (Pelatnas) as a Judo athlete and was given a watch that he still keeps until now.

"So as a judo athlete in Pelatnas, we were given watches by the former chairman. The chairman's message to me was 'Always remember the time, always set aside a little time, that's the key to being a champion'. Watches are no longer accessories because they remind me of training and rest time every day. So now it has become a habit, a necessity, and a lifestyle," said Joe when met at Metropole XXI, Central Jakarta, on Friday (23/4/2021).


1. Limited Edition Hunting Jam

Joe Taslim's love for watches made him willing to buy certain brands that are sold in limited editions. One of his efforts is to obtain the Seiko Golgo 13, which is a special edition watch as a tribute to the famous Japanese manga series. Starting from hunting watches, he was offered to represent a watch provider site.

"In 2015, I hunted the Seiko special edition Golgo 13 because I am a fan of the manga. I requested that collection from and they helped me. Now I am representing them because I love watches. Personally, when choosing a brand, I must be sure that the brand is good. The brand must sell original, trusted, and complete collections," added the owner whose birth name is Johannes Taslim.


2. Cabinet Containing Five Watch Collections

Furthermore, Joe Taslim revealed that he has a special cabinet to store a maximum of five frequently used watches. If he has more than five, he will donate the remaining watches to his family.

"I have a special and neat cabinet. If you call me a collector, I'm not. I have a maximum of five watches that I really like. If I have too many, I won't wear them. If I have new ones, the extras are given to my relatives. So, there are five best watches that I really like," said the actor of the movie MORTAL KOMBAT.



3. Equivalent Price with Quality

Joe Taslim revealed that he doesn't just spend money on any watch. If he buys one, it means that the watch has a quality that is equivalent to its price.

"When buying a watch, we should consider our needs first and adjust it to our financial capability. I've always bought watches within my means. Now, I look at the meeting point between price and quality. Because when it comes to price, many people go crazy, but do we really need it? Quality is important, and the price should support the quality," he concluded.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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